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Ok i have 2 dial-up accounts, One is my brothers and one is mine. We use 2 diffrent isp's the one he uses, from the looks of the status is better. However the connection i use Plays americas army better. They are both located at about the same distance from my house, both connecting at 26.4k.

Ok connection #1(my brothers isp plays the game like crap) has good solid compression no errors on sent/recieved. This is what it shows on the details tab in the status page.

device name: broadxent v.92 di362-1

Device type: modem

server type:  PPP

transports:  TCp/ip

Authentication: PAP

compression: MPPC

PPP multilink framing: On

Server ip: *****

client ip: *****

Connection #2 (my isp,plays americas army good) Has low uneven compression and by the time its been connected 10mins it has atleast 40 errors on the received bytes.This is what it shows on the details tab in the status page.

device name: broadxent v.92 di362-1

Device type: modem

server type:  PPP

transports:  TCp/ip

Authentication: MD5 CHAP

compression: None

PPP multilink framing: On

Server ip: *****

client ip: *****

I did a test loading the same webpages to see the bytes sent/received and at 10mins they both had about the same bytes sent/received give or take 1000. So what are these Errors im getting with my 2nd connection? Why does it play better than my 1st connection which looks a lot stronger? Is there anything i can do to make the First connection play better than my 2nd,or improve my 2nd isp connection? Anyways i would be very very grateful if anyone could clear this up for me its bothering the crap outta me cause i remeber not to long ago Connection #1 would play the game almost flawlessly with 20 people playing.

Thanks for reading,


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modem 1

Authentication: PAP

compression: MPPC

modem 2

Authentication: MD5 CHAP

compression: None

On modem 1 you are using PAP & MPPC compression.Password Authentification protocol

On modem 2 you are using MDS CHAP & no compression.MD5 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

That should be the start of a place to look.

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