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I called my isp today to switch me to fastpath. I have a 2048/1024 package through my ISP. When I was on interleave I averaged around 1.7 down and 0.7 up speeds. all the time. Actually hit my above my cap a few times on up and down. Today after switching to fastpath my speeds dropped, came back up but are not  consistent at all. They vary from site to site.  Van and I tried to get it back but to no avail.

So I will be switching back to interleave tomorrow, may not have a real good ping to my first hop but at least my connection will be stable.

So the moral of the story. Sometimes you just need to leave things where their at.

Anyone else have these kind of problems before switching from interleave to fastpath???

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the problem was the retransmissions, there is no way to know if fastpath will work better or not, before you have tryed it.

the interleaved service limit loss to your gateway and add approx 25 ms ping

alot of ppl do enjoy the fastpath, but it wont work for all ppl, it depends on phone wiring quality and signal.

if you use fastpath and your modem is still synced, thats alot faster then interleved.

i helped a guy on vdsl interleved service hes cap is 12 Mbps down and 9 Mbps up he had a ping to gateway of 30 ms and could never go faster then 8 Mbps down and 5 Mbps up

so the ISP set him to fast path, hes ping changed from 30 ms to gateway to 1 ms, and hes speed was 11 Mbps down and 8 Mbps up

VanBuren :)

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All I know is that my speeds are all over the place.nothing stable. A lot more hesitation in loading pages . I have tweaked to the breaking point , and still cannot get back what I had. It was the same all day yesterday and so far today erratic speeds.  For some reason it is just not working here.

I know the signal strength is good, the last test they did here my line was good for 7 meg down and a meg up.

I know the fiber optic lines that run in front of my home are less than three years old. The wire coming into the home for DSL is 24 gauge. So maybe my modem is not synced being on fastpath.


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