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Today the supervisor of the phone lines/services in my area stopped by my house. He was getting a list of names that would be interested in having Dsl. So ofcourse i  had my number added to the list he had a whole page full of numbers and told me if i knew anyone to give them his number. i would say he had 30-35 numbers....He said they would install a dslam at the end of my road( less than 1/4 of a mile) and i would be able to get 3mb dsl wich is so freakin awsome compared to dw4000. I have lived here pretty much my whole life its a rural area so i know a bunch of people who would be interested in getting dsl. How many names do u think he would have to have? Think this is a decent sign i mite get dsl sometime within the next year? I wonder how much money it would cost to install a dslam. Anyways thanks for reading, I know people here are smart so any info would be top-notch.


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The way those dw 4000's are running as of late. I do not blame you at all. Thank goodness one fell my way finally. EVDO by Sprint. It is not DSL, but 10 times better than Dway. Soon the whole sectiion will dry up to dust.  :grin2:

Best wishes there.  :thumbsup:

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