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Anyone running Vista and if so are your download speeds slower?I have both XP and Vista on my machine and as far as speed goes Vista S---ks

Yeah i have Buisness actually i can pull info faster with my wireless now then i can with my wired xp machine.  no tweaks at all with vista, and the machine with vista on it is wireless  :grin2:

Just have to let Auto Tunning do its thing  " One thing that should be mentioned is that if you are dropping to many packets then yes Vista will govern your connection down so that you will get a steady stream of packets without loss, but it will push it back up again once it sees that your maintaing no packet loss.  Thats from what i gather about the whole thing."

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i have vista only now and the internets running fine. only annoying thing is that the router disconnects from the network when i use p2p programs like bittorent >_>

Router wouldnt have nothing to do with your OS since a router is OS independent.  I dont have any problems running P2P programs.  Best programs out there in my ratings would be Frostwire :-) really fast.  One program for everything :-)

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kinda hard to use peer guardian on vista

doesnt block all the protocols like in xp.

Had no idea on that one. Thought vista was supposed to be so much more secure. Sorry. I am being a smarty pants. Vista is turning into such a joke. One more reason to stay away from it.

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Had no idea on that one. Thought vista was supposed to be so much more secure. Sorry. I am being a smarty pants. Vista is turning into such a joke. One more reason to stay away from it.

B*tch and moan wow, I like Vista alot better than XP,  all the awsome eye candy

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Paying 200 bucks for "eye candy" when the same can be done with "window blinds"  for 40.00. Probally take lots less resorces as well. More and more 3rd party software allot of it free already out to make xp look like vista.

I have used msstyles (free) Glass 2k (free) And of course this one. http://www.windowsxlive.net/?page_id=15. (FREE) All free and work fine with xp.

My self If I want eye candy I will head to the beach, if I need to get computer work done I will fire up xp.

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Paying 200 bucks for "eye candy" when the same can be done with "window blinds"  for 40.00. Probally take lots less resorces as well. More and more 3rd party software allot of it free already out to make xp look like vista.

I have used msstyles (free) Glass 2k (free) And of course this one. http://www.windowsxlive.net/?page_id=15. (FREE) All free and work fine with xp.

My self If I want eye candy I will head to the beach, if I need to get computer work done I will fire up xp.

Its not just "eye candy" its far more secure. Almost as secure as OS X. Vista is well worth $200 bucks.

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Paying 200 bucks for "eye candy" when the same can be done with "window blinds"  for 40.00. Probally take lots less resorces as well. More and more 3rd party software allot of it free already out to make xp look like vista.

I have used msstyles (free) Glass 2k (free) And of course this one. http://www.windowsxlive.net/?page_id=15. (FREE) All free and work fine with xp.

My self If I want eye candy I will head to the beach, if I need to get computer work done I will fire up xp.

remeinds me of those knockoffs lol,  Vistas alot more secure then xp will ever be, i like the security enhancements.  i never had a problems with my software.  Recovery options is a big plus huge advancements compared to XP.  not to mention the Backup you get with Business or Ulitmate addtion and no i didnt pay 200 its called OEM alot cheaper.  150 bucks for a full version yeah half the price of the 300 dollar retail version.

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i use vista only for DX10, for tweaking and maxing out a connection XP is better.

But for most ppl, that knows nothing about tweaks, Vista selftuning RWIN do a great job

VanBuren :)

So tell me VanBuren what is an american dollar worth over where you are at??

2 cents?? lol

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I was just curious on what the american dollar was worth i can see not very much lol

that alot. 1 Swedish krona is worth 14 cents. 1 euro is worth 1.3 dollars, 1 british pound is worth 2 dollars.

now if you went to japan 1 yen isnt even worth a penny. its worth an 8th of a penny.

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Imho Im just not sold on the more secure thing. I believe its just like a firewall. Sure good idea to have one, but if you don't make the effort to understand some of the stuff it can be useless.

Most average users will see the message "this or that program is trying to access the internet do you want to allow?"  Most users will simply hit yes. I just believe vista is trying way to hard to "protect" the average user. They are makeing it tough for even some geeks to fix there own issues. Had someone with the problem dual booting vista and xp. I found a program for them, vista will not let you edit the boot file.

Have seen some claim that vista will be like windows 2000. Will only be out a year or 2 before a new os hits the market. Could only be a rumor. Who knows. I just personllay think gates droped the ball on this release. There is always hope for the next new release. God only knows how big and bad your computer will have to be to run that os.

Sad that the new machines that claim can run vista really can only run it at its minium default settings. Most of you have seen the lawsuit on that one. I just am grateful I am able to put together my own system and run whatever os I want and not be forced into it by buying another machine.

Just hope im not comming off wrong on this. Just enjoying a friendly debate. I am NOT trying to slam or flame anyone. I am NOT trying to tell you your wrong and Im right. Just enjoying the debate and everyones imput. While I may not agree, I do respect your thoughts and such.

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Your right about the friendly debate thing and everybody has there views and likes.  some people like macs, some like windows and some like linux, i have used them all and i just prefer windows i guess because theres alot more software for windows and alot more hardware support.  i know my laptop runs vista without a hitch. so i dont know about those other people that cant or why they cant.  when a person fixes computers for customers you have to know about every OS thats why i jumped on the band wagaon quickly so i can learn the different features of the software and how it will react with different tweaks and settings and programs.  So far for just comming out in Jan of 07 there hasnt been a whole lot of updates and everything has been stable from what i can see.

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