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I have not seen a Linux thread here so i thought i may start one. I have decided to learn Linux seriously so here goes... [nerdly]

Most Linux forums i've visited are too cryptic at the moment [geek] [geek]

My first question would be in Fedora Core 2, how would i be able to change the log on password. These are the steps i took but it always hangs somewhere late in the process.

-Restart the computer

-When the boot up screen that shows fedora Shows up, i press the letter 'e'.

-I select the option with the kernel and press 'e' again.

-At the end of the line i type a 'space' and press 'enter'.

-This returns me to the three fedora logon options, I press 'b' and let the computer boot fully.

-Once it has booted, i type 'passwd' and 'enter'.

-This prompts for the password. I type ' {my password} ' and press ' enter '. [PROBLEM TIME]

-I do this until it gives you the reply that it has been updated successfully. [PROBLEM TIME]

-Then type reboot and let the computer boot normally.

What should i do?

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Alright I have never used Fedora Core... but am willing to take a stab...  Allow the computer to boot normally.  Log in and launch a terminal windows and run the passwd command.  Make sure you are not logging in as root! It sounds like you are because you should be prompted for a confirmation if you are changing a user password and asked to provide the previous.

Swimmer@linux-mobile:~> passwd

Changing password for Swimmer.

Old Password:

New Password:

Reenter New Password:

Password changed.

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