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netgear Router and IPV6 Protocol - Help - Guides - Settings - HELP _ HELP

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Guest jeffwalker9999

Hi to all >>>>>>>>>>

Can or is thier a way to pass IPV6 Protocol Data Via an old Netgear Router

( Manuf = ? = Model = ? - $$ )

I Have an Netgear MR814v2 Router

I need to know how to connect and setup IPV6 Protoccol Packets of Data

Routter pases all IPV4 packet data with no problem

I got myself involved in testing and using Protocol 6

Seeking >>>>>> URLS - PDF Files - Anything , Docs - Help , Guides

Also Seeking >>>>>>>>>

Routers or Manuf's that do pass or allow the IPV6 protocol

( Manuf is=            Model is=        Firmware Rev. is: )

I have been trying a V6 Tunnel Broker - settings no help --- will not pass ip packet(s)

.............. Equip:    .............. Equip: ..........    .

Cable Modem


Laptop w/802.11 a/b/g based wifi card

D-Link Usb Ext 802.11 b/g based PnP Plug-In Card(s)


On other note :

Doing very good - In my own aprtment now and no longer in a group home

doing better walking , cancer treatment <chemo> is working 

( darn stroke ) 

()()() ********** ()()()() ********** $$$$$$$$$$ ^^^^^^^^^^ 0000000000 <<<<< >>>>>

Still sharing over 8+ gigs of  Win Xp applications/software

( Issues ::: Vista Load/Run/Installment Is Unknown Status )

via Freeware from Microsoft and Peer to Peer Application And Protocol And Technology

If You Need Help or Info - Whatever > > > > > > > >

jeffwalker9999 Via Im Clients or EMail

EMail Or IM For Joinment and Setup Docs and Notes.

hi jeffwalker

which i could help you more on ipv6

i am studying it academically but not heard of any implementations of it other then on the internet2 really

so many better features in ipv6

sounds really promissing

Alright... The only thing that I know supports IPv6 routing is DD-WRT running on top of Linksys, Buffalo, and some other select hardware.  Here is the wiki on it.. http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/IPv6

As far as consumer level routers being IPv6 capable.. I have NO idea.  My guess is that none of the manufactures have even begun to sell products that support it. 

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