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I found this site looking for some Vista tweaks.

Search led me to this topic  http://www.testmy.net/t-18907.msg214387#msg214387 It was locked so I'm starting a topic .I hope this is the correct way to do it.I've used Cablenut in other Windows OS's & it worked.I believe the Vista TCP/IP stack is supposed to be different than even XP.I don't believe the place Cablenut puts the DefaultSendWindow in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesAFDParameters changes the Vista Send Window.I haven't seen any speed increase or decrease I think it just isn't recognized as a valid registry setting.

If anyone knows a test that shows that Cablenut is adjusting the send window I would like to take it.

Maybe someone can set me strait on this with Vista Since my Vista has 4 CurrentControlSet's in the registry I think it takes 4 restarts to get a new registry setting in all of them.I know one of them is for "Last known good start".

The Web100 based Network Diagnostic Tool (NDT) http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ might I'm just not sure what that test calls the

Send Window.

Here are some things I have found for Vista:( They are made in the command prompt & Run as administrator)

netsh int tcp show global(This one shows the current settings)

netsh int tcp set global ? (This will list the setting options)

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal (This is an example )

The one below is supposed to change the MTU if necessary but I think PMTU discovery will override it.

netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Local Area Connection" mtu=1500 store=persistent

This one is interesting.

netsh interface ipv4 set ?

The following commands are available:

Commands in this context:

set address    - Sets the IP address or default gatewa

set compartment - Modifies compartment configuration p

set dnsserver  - Sets DNS server mode and addresses.

set dynamicportrange - Modifies the range of ports use


set global    - Modifies global configuration general

set interface  - Modifies interface configuration para

set neighbors  - Sets a neighbor address.

set route      - Modifies route parameters.

set subinterface - Modifies subinterface configuration

set winsserver - Sets WINS server mode and addresses

These are the settings for address .You can do the same for each with the ?

netsh interface ipv4 set address ?

Usage: set address [name=]<string>


            [[address=]<IPv4 address>[/<integer>] [[mask=]<IPv4 mask>]

            [[gateway=]<IPv4 address>|none [gwmetric=]<integer>]





      Tag            Value

      name        - Interface name or index.

      source      - One of the following values:

                      dhcp: Enables DHCP for configuring IP addresses for

                            the specified interface.

                      static: Disables DHCP for configuring IP addresses fo

                            the specified interface.

      address      - IPv4 address to add or modify, optionally followed by

                      the subnet prefix length.

      mask        - The IP subnet mask for the specified IP address.

      gateway      - One of the following values:

                      <IPv4 address>: A specific default gateway for the

                                      static IP address you are setting.

                      none: No default gateways are set.  This is the defau

      gwmetric    - The metric for the default gateway. This field should

                      be set only if gateway is specified.

      type        - One of the following values:

                      unicast: Marks the address as a unicast address.

                              This is the default.

                      anycast: Marks the address as an anycast address.

      subinterface - LUID of the subinterface on which the default gateway

                      exists.  This parameter is only needed on interfaces

                      with multiple subinterfaces.

      store        - One of the following values:

                      active: Set only lasts until next boot.

                      persistent: Set is persistent.  This is the default.

Remarks: Used to enabled or disable DHCP for IP address configuration.

        Also removes any previous static IP addresses and default gateways

        and can add a new static IP address and default gateway.

I would like to see an expert go through them all & come up with some tweaks.

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I still would like an expert to come up with some settings for the netsh int.I think this is the way to tweak Vista for better performance speed wise.

Here's a tweak some might need:

This is for those using the Windows Firewall.If you use some other firewall then you need to find it's setting to allow ICMP Echo Request .& have already disabled Windows Firewall.

How to become pingable:

For Windows Vista follow these steps:

1.From the Start menu choose the Control Panel

I prefer "Classic View" you can temporarily enable it to make the changes.

2.Choose Administrative Tools

3.Choose Windows Firewall with Advanced Security

4.Click on Inbound Rules then right click on it and choose New Rule

5.Click on the Custom radio button and click Next

6.Click on All programs radio button and click Next

7.Click Protocol & Ports

8.Set the Protocol Type to ICMPv4 and click the Customize button

9.Select Specific ICMP types, enable Echo Request and click on the OK button

10.Click on the Next button in the Protocol & Ports window

11.Under Steps: with Scope highlighted. Verify if Any IP addresses is selected two times and click on the Next button

12.Verify if the Allow the connection radio button is selected and click Next

13.Verify that all three rules are enabled and click Next

14.Specify a Name I use:"Allow ICMP Echo Request" click Finish 

15.Verify if this new rule now is Enabled and close all open windows

16.I'm not sure you need to restart I did just to make sure the rule was fully in my OS.

17.If you only want to be pingable temporarily then follow steps 1 through 4 except for right clicking & choosing a New

Rule.Then highlight the Allow ICMP Echo Request rule you created above from the right panelchoose Delete,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, Sequoia. That's some good info. Thank you for sharing.

I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for when you are saying:

If anyone knows a test that shows that Cablenut is adjusting the send window I would like to take it.

But if you are looking for something that displays your packet send information from an external view, THIS TEST is the closest that I know of.  You may be able to do some calculations from the data displayed to find what you're looking for.

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Thanks FallowEarth

I had used that test before.I reads the receive window but not the send window.

I think on XP most of these tests read the TcpWindowSize this is in the registry at


They don't detect the real setting DefaultReceiveWindow in the registry at


Vista doesn't have either of these settings in the registry & when Cablenut puts them in they have no effect.

This link http://www.testmy.net/t-18907.msg214387#msg214387 said that the netsh int tcp set global commands could be used & Cablenut would set the DefaultSendWindow I tried this & I couldn't tell it made any difference in upload speed even with some ridiculous settings.I just wanted to find a test that would detect the send window to see what Vista was really setting it at.Hope that explains it.I'm just trying to find a way to tweak Vista with some XP settings but it resists this.

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