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I have ATT Wimax wireless and I am having a problem with my connection timing out at the third hop:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  home [**2.**8.1.***]

  2    1 ms    1 ms    1 ms  75-30-163-1.wimax.prhmnv.sbcglobal.net [*5.*.1*


  3    *        *        *    Request timed out.

  4  122 ms  109 ms  129 ms  fwa-wha1-1.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net [*5.*0.**4.*7]

  5  208 ms  109 ms  109 ms  vlan340-gateway.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net [64.160.192


  6  580 ms    99 ms  101 ms  bb1-g5-0.bkfd14.pbi.net []

  7  104 ms  108 ms    89 ms  ex2-p14-0.eqlaca.sbcglobal.net []

  8  1874 ms  539 ms    99 ms  asn3561-savvis2.eqlaca.sbcglobal.net [151.164.89


  9    98 ms  120 ms    99 ms  dcr1-so-5-0-0.losangeles.savvis.net [204.70.194.


10  149 ms  149 ms  149 ms  dcr2-so-3-3-0.dallas.savvis.net []

11  172 ms  159 ms  149 ms

12  154 ms  149 ms  160 ms  te9-1.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

13  168 ms  149 ms  149 ms  po32.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

14  160 ms  159 ms  149 ms  gi1-0-2.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [


15  162 ms  149 ms  159 ms  55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com []

I would venture to believe that this is also causing me to have high and erratic latency, as shown in the above trace route, as well. This timing out at the third hop happens everytime I do a trace route, regardless which website I trace. Take, for instance, google:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  home [**2.**8.1.***]

  2    1 ms    1 ms    1 ms  75-30-163-1.wimax.prhmnv.sbcglobal.net [*5.*.1*


  3    *        *        *    Request timed out.

  4  125 ms  119 ms  119 ms  fwa-wha1-1.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net [*5.*0.1*4.67]

  5  113 ms  119 ms  109 ms  vlan340-gateway.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net [64.160.192


  6  125 ms  409 ms  110 ms  bb1-g6-0.bkfd14.pbi.net []

  7  128 ms  129 ms  140 ms  ex1-p2-0.eqlaca.sbcglobal.net []

  8  136 ms  140 ms  119 ms  asn7473-singtel.eqlaca.sbcglobal.net [151.164.24


  9  165 ms  140 ms  149 ms

10  155 ms  149 ms  140 ms

11  155 ms  160 ms  159 ms

12  189 ms  169 ms  149 ms

13  147 ms  149 ms  140 ms  po-in-f103.google.com []

My pings are less erratic, but the connection is still timing out at the third hop. Furthermore, I know other people who have this connection and their pings aren't nearly as high as mine. They get RTT times much less than 100 ms, where I usually average around 150 ms. Is this because I am timing out at the third hop? Considering the fact that the first hop is less than 1 ms (going to my router), and my second hop is only 1 ms, I am not sure why it jumps so high in the fourth hop. I would venture to believe the timing out at the third hop is causing this as well. I play a lot of games so latency is big issue for me. ATT hasn't been of much help, continuously putting me hold and failing to call back, so any help would be greatly appreciated.



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i think the 3rd hope is in their infrastructure and it will always time out, pinging not enabled or something

in terms of ur ping being diff from ur friends well wimax is wireless as u know so many things affect that

or are they using the same antenna as u ? i mean in physical location

Just- hit it on the head..  The router is programmed to drop all ICMP to it to improve performance of the router.  Doing this also provides some protection to the router itself in that it becomes much harder to perform a DoS attack against it. 

Again the latency is part of the technology..  Using a wireless based technology as your connection type, is going to increase the latency of your connection.  There is no way to combat this from your end and ATT isnt going to be able to anything about it either. 

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