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Hello people.

A couple of you may already know about this *cough* starship. But anyways there is a contest on Ziddio.com right now for the WWE's biggest fan. My friend decided to enter the contest when he found out and needed someone to film it, Guess who he came too :D. The contest is going to be judged by WWE Executives 15 videos will be selected for the finals 10 from video ratings and 5 from the actual judges. Then after that it is filtered down to 3. First place is 25,000 Dollars and an all expenses paid trip to SummerSlam (A large WWE event). And the prices go down from there.

It would mean alot to me if you guys watch it and if you feel like rating it, rate what you think it deserves.

Here is the link to the video: http://www.ziddio.com/oneVideo.zd?dispatch=fetch&artifactId=27127

NOTE: You have to make an account and login to view the video due to a few profanities in the movie, It only takes about a minute and then your all set.

Video Description: When making this video we wanted to capture the feel of WWE's cinematic presentation when Vince McMahon got his head shaved at WrestleMania 23 as well as his frustration after the event.

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already voted. lol i like that intro

A couple of you may already know about this *cough* starship
lol thank xfire for that. or else i'd have probably not registered and viewed it.  :lol:

but it is a good video and i rated it 5 because it does capture the acting and everything of the real WWE :grin2:

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Its above average.. I think you should have made it funnier.....

Like those people shaving his hair should have impersonated trump and austin (wigs, trashtalking, etc..) to make it more appealing.

Mcmahon should wear a bandanna (not a towel) after the shave..

It's pretty nice anyway..  :smiley:

I think key to winning this contest is making some real funny sh^t..

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Its above average.. I think you should have made it funnier.....

Like those people shaving his hair should have impersonated trump and austin (wigs, trashtalking, etc..) to make it more appealing.

Mcmahon should wear a bandanna (not a towel) after the shave..

It's pretty nice anyway..  :smiley:

I think key to winning this contest is making some real funny sh^t..

We didnt want to do that stuff because we thought if we made it too close to the real thing it would be disqualified.

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