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is globe wired broadband good in pio del pilar makati?

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hi guys! i'm ian and recently i've been rather dissatisfied with smartBRO's service. Laging napuputol. so we're thinking of switching to globe wired broadband. so tanong ko sana kung meron sa inyong globe BRo dito sa PIO DEL PILAR, MAKATI.

1. kung meron, ayos ba?

2. kung hindi, what ISP can you recommend.

Thanks! Very important lang kasi i'm doing my thesis and i correspond with my adviser over the net. thanks ulit!

well, tim said it. but note the usually. i don't know what the wired infrastrucutre looks like in the phillipines. i am going to go out on a limb and say that it is probably not much better than here in puerto rico. and the wired infrastructure for dsl (the whole phone system in fact) sucks donkey nads.

if they base it on cable TV you have a better chance at a good connection. you should still ask around with friens and neighbors to see who has the service and how the uptimes are. (rule of thumb: the cable TV dies, the cable modem is dead as well. although you will see more outahes on the modem than on theTV.)

another thing worth trying iscalling their tech support on the graveyard shift (if they have a 24/7/365 hotline that is) and seeing if you get right through to a tech (a good sign, can't be too many problems) or if you end up on terminal hold (bad sign. either they are busy or they just don't care). once you get a hold of a tech talk to him about the technical side of the service. the techs will usually be more forthcoming with info than the salespeople...

  • 1 year later...

hi guys! i'm ian and recently i've been rather dissatisfied with smartBRO's service. Laging napuputol. so we're thinking of switching to globe wired broadband. so tanong ko sana kung meron sa inyong globe BRo dito sa PIO DEL PILAR, MAKATI.

1. kung meron, ayos ba?

2. kung hindi, what ISP can you recommend.

Thanks! Very important lang kasi i'm doing my thesis and i correspond with my adviser over the net. thanks ulit!

i would recommend destiny cable internet for you, since they have a good coverage in makati and quezon city.

ang downside is connection gets too slow specially if it is raining.

  • 2 months later...


IMO, cable internet is like water flowing out of a water tank, going to the gripos. if there are many gripos open at the same time, the less water gripo users get.

broadband is different. you have pipes Directly connecting you to the water tank. many gripos open, same amount of water flows in each and every gripo users.

my opinion...

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