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:? Here is an artical that I was surprized to read that this is how this thing works.... Am I missing something is this acceptable to ppl? If I cant play my tunes in the order I want whats the use? Or am I totally missing the point and this is what ppl want? Please tell me what you think! Sorry there is no link its from a magazine.I had to leave it big so ppl can read it.

8) Microwave

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Windows Media player seems to be just as un-random as that iPod thingy. :angry3:

;) Yeah but I thought ppl wanted to listen to songs in the order they wanted, dont most ppl wanna hear certain songs like on the way to work or cruising? The guy talks about waiting to hear a song he has loaded but has never played.... doesnt that sux.....or is it just me.........I guess what Im saying is if I want random tunes I can turn on the radio !!!

8) Microwave

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