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Have a Direcway DW7000 system commisioned to SATMEX-5, operating quite a bit south of the border. Works great despite being told it would never work.

Direcway used to have a dual system whereby you could also get Direct TV on the same dish as Internet ...... apparently no longer sold by Direcway.

However, have seen add-on ( clamp-on ) LNB's on a sliding bar sold aftermarket ( e-bay etc. ) that are suppposed to bring in Direct TV

Any advice on where to get these units and the feasibilty of being able to receive the TV signal south of the border ( remember Internet wasn't supposed to work either, but it does )

How difficult is it to install one of these units onto a .74M dish with a 40mm clamp and is there a list somewhere on line of Direct TV satellites and their footprints.


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you can always try googling for the footprints for the sats...

as for using one of those spit and baling wire multi sat dish rigs... i wouldn.t

i have seen some that are designed for multiple birds (or rather multiple orbit locations, as some orbit locations contain a cluster of sats) and these featured an oblong dish that was designed to create a hot band instead of a hot spot as the focal point. you then slid the lnb in that band to find the sat you wanted.

seeing as you are south of the border and likely not in the ideal footprint for the sat you want you should consider using

1.: a larger than normal dish

2.: one dish for each sat service, to make sure you get the best possible signal off each, and not a compromise on one or both as with a dual setup.

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