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I don't know of any freeware data recovery software that works.

And even most of the commercial software doesn't work either.

Most of the time the demo will "find" deleted files and you pay for the version that will recover them only to find that all you have is the fill name; not the usable file.

There used to be an Unformat command in DOS.

Not sure if that still works or not.

I keep a complete copy of my entire hard drive on an external drive that I update at least once per month so I haven't had a need for data recovery software for a some time now.

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Before I would pay for a program, I would need to see it actually work on at least one or 2 files.

I would suggest googling around and trying out various software until you find one that will let you recover some of the files with the demo version so you know it will work for you before you buy.

I don't have personal experience with this but a friend highly recommends this.


Not sure if the demo lets you recover anything though.

Good luck.

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