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Your connection is: 113 Kbps      (about 0.1 Mbps)

You uploaded at: 14 KB/s

Your TRuSPEED: ^info^ 121 Kbps :: 15 KB/s (7% overhead factored)

Bottom Line: You are running: 2 times faster than 56K and can upload 1 megabyte in 73.14 second(s) 

Diagnosis: Seek Help : You are currently running at only 48.09 % of your hosts average (aol.com) 

uh i think that I need some serious help. This really sucks. Btw I'm using AOL DSL. I checked out some of the links you posted up but I'm not sure if I should do everything they say because I don't want to mess up my comp.

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hey insideout and welcome to the forum :)

follow these steps and post again  http://www.testmy.net/topic-2097

sign up here and make a linequality test http://www.dslreports.com/tools

disable firewall during test, or config it to allow ICMP traffic

"Line Packet Loss Testing

Packet loss tests on your line, including identification of any problem routers en-route to you.."

its free

when you see result, copy URL adress and paste it here so we can see it

also make a tweaktest http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks

when you see result, copy URL adress and paste it here so we can see it

VanBuren :)

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you probl have a 384 Kbps download cap but upstream i dunno... lets try 128

download and install Cablenut https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;id=64

download this attached file (Cable & DSL 384 128.zip) and unzip it to C:ProgramCablenut

now open cablenut, in top left corner, click file, click load custom settings file, browse to C:ProgramCablenut and dubble click on the file Cable & DSL 384 128.ccs

now click save to registry and reboot your pc

VanBuren :)

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you probl have a 384 Kbps download cap but upstream i dunno... lets try 128

download and install Cablenut https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;id=64

download this attached file (Cable & DSL 384 128.zip) and unzip it to C:ProgramCablenut

now open cablenut, in top left corner, click file, click load custom settings file, browse to C:ProgramCablenut and dubble click on the file Cable & DSL 384 128.ccs

now click save to registry and reboot your pc

VanBuren :)

try again

VanBuren :)

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Uh how much is it suppose to increase my speed? Like 2 percent? I took the test again and I didn't do significantly better. It's 51 percent of AOL.com as opposed to 48 percent. And I did reboot the computer.

I suggest you call your ISP and ask what cap you have.... AOL has diffrent packages

VanBuren :)

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