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I though this log might be a good laugh for some people. I guess you get what you pay for (free tech support).This log represents the very reason why companies in the United States of America shouldn't ship jobs overseas. This guy kept leading me on for over 40 minutes. I did get rude with him at the end after being lied to and frustrated. Enjoy! > Thank you for contacting McAfee Consumer Support. How can I help you?

Jafel: Hi Nick, my name is Jafel and I will be assisting you today.  May I have your Comcast email address and your phone number?

Customer: hello, I was wondering how to block ping in mcafee firewall program

Customer: I chose to not reply to ping in the advanced tab and when i test at grc.com it still replies to ping

Customer: how do i solve this?

Customer: thanks for your help

Jafel: Thank you, Nick. 

Customer: sure

Customer: is there a way to resolve this?

Jafel: 1. Please open McAfee SecurityCenter.

2. At the lower right of the pane, click View Details or About.

3. Click SecurityCenter and tell me the version.

Customer: give me a minute

Customer: version is 8.1

Jafel: Thank you.

Jafel: Would you like to block grc.com so that your computer will not reply to it?

Customer: I would like my firewall to block all ping requests from all sites

Customer: the firewall already stealths me. it replies to ping to some site even though I've chosen to block ping

Customer: can we resolve this?

Jafel: Let me just check my resources.

Customer: all right

Jafel: I will be requesting for a Diagnostic Information, please accept it.

> representative Jafel has requested system information from customer Customer.

Customer: I'm sorry can you prompt it again?

> representative Jafel has requested system information from customer Customer.

Customer: it blocked out my im window

Customer: please resend the request

> representative Jafel has requested system information from customer Customer.

> customer Customer has sent system information to representative Jafel.

> customer Customer has sent system information to representative Jafel.

> customer Customer has sent system information to representative Jafel.

Customer: there it went through

Jafel: Thank you.

Jafel: I have checked my resources and that if you go to a certain sites there would be instances that it will ping that site if you go to it.

Customer: that is what I'm trying to prevent. I want to block all instances of ping

Customer: is that not possible

Customer: ?

Customer: what if the site is a malicious site and ping is then accepted and not blocked and then I get infected? a good firewall should be able to block all ping requests

Customer: my router firewall never fails to block ping

Customer: but i would prefer to use mcafee firewall to block all ping

Jafel: You will not be able to block all the sites because when you go to a certain web site it will automatically ping it.

Customer: when I go to my router and choose to turn on my firewall. I then proceed to block ping through my router firewall and then hit save. after that it NEVER responds to ping

Customer: how come this firewall wont do that?

Customer: don't tell me it's not possible because it is through my router

Customer: security is my top priority

Customer: if you can't help me then tell me so

Customer: just don't tell me that it isn't possible and it's a normal thing. I can find a free firewall like zone alarm that can do this very thing that I want it to do

Customer: block pings that is

Jafel: McAfee  has settings for ICMP ping request to block ping requests.

Customer: but you just said a minute ago that even if that is unchecked some sites will still ping me and that it's a normal thing and it

Customer: is inevitable

Jafel: Even if you receive a ping request McAfee will not reply to it.

Customer: i will copy and paste a log from grc.com this site tests whether or not your firewall can do the job or not

Customer: Solicited TCP Packets: PASSED

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