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hey guys i know im new but i have a few questions about my FPS I've been getting lately. the main game i play is Counter Strike Source and for some reason out of no where i am getting a drop in my FPS and a raise in my ping but im talking to my ISP about that at the moment but i just need help with my Video problems. the computer itself is fairly new and i tried downloading the new drivers but they didnt seem to help, just make my FPS fall even more. so here are the specs and if you guys could fill me in on what i could do to fix it. usually i will get about 60-90 fps and sometimes spiking at 120 and i was getting a min of 120 ish a few weeks ago before my computer updated itself. and if it would be worth just upgrading to a different video card or maybe overclocking mine a lil since i did add another fan by my video card.

thanks for the help guys

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Seeing how CSS is not that new of a game and you have a 8800 GT, you should be having no FPS problems. But then again CSS has always had reports about FPS lag. What settings do you have the game on? Are the servers you connecting to close to you or far away? What is your net connection speed ?

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the server i connect to is about 30 miles from my house and i know they havent moved the server but for some reason my FPS has dropped and my ping has gone up. i went to [this.site.has.been.blocked.for.spamming] and when i got done the numbers were

DL: 10189 kB/s

UL: 1001 kbs

Ping: 41

miles: ~50

and the charter server i connect to for my internet is about 10 miles from my CSS server

so i dont know what all is going on. could it beed my ISP doing work on their end?

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