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i think its through telnet.

one way to block remote access to the canopy is changing the password of the "root" and "admin" account. just change the password, do not delete the account.

if you're unsure whether or not you violate isp rules and guidelines, do not alter your canopy settings. otherwise you will end up terminated from the service.  :smiley:

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As an addition to Coolbuster's post, altering the root account is risky. It could lead to either complete CANOPY shutoff or GUI inaccessibility.

Unless you are in a crucial stage and really badly require the alteration of the root user, do not do so.

Also, why do you need to keep your radio out from your ISP in the first place? Are you trying to change the access point (color code/base station)? If so, there is no need for what you asked for.  :wink:

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No, I have been changing the settings for the speed and the ISP is getting mad. The ISP keeps setting our settings lower than the advertised speeds (about half of what is advertised to be precise), I guess they are trying cut the speeds of their existing customers to be able to have the bandwidth to add more customers to their system. I have been raising them back to normal. That is why I was wondering is their anyway to block their access to the radio.


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I am changing the sustained upload and download values to what is advertised and setting the burst values to 8x's the sustained values, which is the ratio that the ISP uses.  The values are different from what I set them at when I go into the unit, so I am pretty sure they are changing them.

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how many months have you been subscribed?

from what I know, there is a new canopy lite that has a 512 kbps aggregate. this means that even if you increase the sustained data rates, each will always go back to 256 kbps or less.

kindly check in the QoS  :smiley:

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I am using a 900 MHz canopy advantage SM. This particular system has a 4 Mbps aggregate. I signed up about 11 hours after the ISP launched in April of this year. My neighbor who owns the ISP (and whom I distinctly don't like) has a 10/10 Mbps fiber connection at his tower. Unfortunately, I can either subscribe to his service, dial-up, or satellite through Hughes or Wild blue.

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