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Well I have a Pentium 4 3.20GHz... PCI Express with onboard video card.. i am able to see the screen by this onboard videocard but it doesnt run any games(ye i play lots of them).... i have a radeon videocard here...and it doesn`t work anymore and i don`t know if it is blown.... i was playing a game one day and the screen and sound froze... i reboot the pc and it looked normal but the monitor showed orange light as the computer was inative and it didnt go out of it... then i plugged the monitor into the onboard video card and it worked...at first i thought it was blown but then i saw that its fan was working... i dont know what to do now =/

EDIT: I have tried many things already ,including: unplugging and plugging the video card, reinstalling the driver but nothing works =/

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I know as i said above i have another video card but its likely-blown and I wanted to know if its really blown.......I am using this pc right now on the onboard videocard, if i unplug the monitor NOW and plug into the separate-video card the monitor light gets orange like if its inactive, the screen black. and I ve tried a lot of things already =(

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If you can't get anything through your card then its most likely dead. Either that or its not getting power via the PCI express slot. But its most likely not that. If you know someone else with a computer that you can test your card on then I would do that before getting a new one.

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  • 1 month later...

Well the problem was already "solved", the videocard really blew =/, it was when i was playing a high definition game, + the cooler of the videocard was malfunctioning because of excessive dirty (lol its 4 years old and i never cleaned it), well and my font overheated my pc a lot, I only noticed it when it was too late... then i exchanged my video card for a better one and fixed my font so it won't overheat my computer again

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