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Hi everyone!

I am running XP Home with SP2 and ZA free.

I also have Avast 4 running.

Comcast in Gallatin TN has just upped to 4MB and 386?

The best I can get with either Cablenut or DR Tcp is 2.8 and usualy it is about 2.5 down.

I am using an OLD Surfboard 3100!!!

I have had Comcast back here five times replacing modems which have all locked up, or fried.

This is my fourth modem since I moved here in August of last summer.

My first pick was a Lynksis 54 but every-other day for a week, it did not work.

My current 3100 has had no issues to date, making it the longest living one yet. (two months)

They kept trying to get me more signal till the last

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hey dragonfly3377 and welcome to the forum :)

download Vanburens cablenut settings version 5 here https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;id=959  unzip settings to C:ProgramCablenut

now open Dr.Tcp and make sure all is set to default, and delete numbers you see, MTU for all adapters, RWIN, and so on, now click apply and exit

Now open cablenut adjuster, in top left corner you see file, click load custom settings file, browse to  C:ProgramCablenutVanBurens_cablenut_settings_version_5_ALL_WIN_OS_AND_SATWIN2k_XP_SP2WinXP_2K_CABLE_DSLMSS1460

now dubble click on the file that your connection cap has.

now you see some values in adjuster, click save to registry and reboot

VanBuren :)

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hey dragonfly,what a kwinky dink i used to live in old hickory...TN... :D i am now in indiana.i sure miss the days waking up sitting on my front porch looking out at old hickory lake drinking my coffee..sorry im no help here..yet...<<still a newbie my self :haha: good to see a tennessian


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Hey ODBXXX, thanks for the reply.

I've lived in southern Michigan all my life so you're not far from my old hame

Sturgis MI was hame for the last 20 yrs or so.

I moved to Old Hickory for work (actualy I work in Portland about 14 miles away)

This area has really grown in the last ten years or so from what I hear. :D

I have been trying to catch up on all this internet stuff, not being connected for the last eight years till about a year ago.

Man has it grown!! :shock:

Well, I have to try some other things with my settings as the latest addition hasn't really helped.

Catch ya later.

As they say down here, I'm goin to the house.. :haha:

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