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hi, i need help

so here's my specs

p3 800 mhz

lenovo laptop

dlink di-604 router

globelines as my ISP and ZTE MF600 as the modem

ok, i don't know if there has already been a question like this so i want to apologize, if i have repeated the thread. so what's my problem? here is it.

i have my p3 connected directly into the zte mf600 of globelines, now i bought a laptop and a dlink di-604 router, i want to make a SOHO so i can use the internet in both terminals

what i did was that i just followed the instructions from the manual as per, however, after i have successfully done the required things, nothing happen, both computers can't connect, what i was expecting is that all i have to do is plug and play everything?

is there anything i need to do? is there something im missing? or i have to use a STATIC IP ADDRESSING to be enable to utilize my internet connection?, please help me,

im from the philippines and i know there has been a lot who got into my situation, so i really want to know, i believe its possible, maybe i need to make a tweak but how? please help. thanks in advance

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If your modem is configured to assign IP's, which it probably is, then you must go into your router, try in you Internet Explorer address bar, and then you must disable IP assigning in your Router. You must also plug the Cable from the MODEM into port 1 on the router. Then the PS3 and PC after that, 2&3.

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