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I'm using Van Burens 4000/384. Best tweak yet, getting me about 80% of my cap. Trying to do better.

Check out my result of TCP analyzer on speedguide.net.


It displays RWIN at 512000, not 563,200 as shownin Cablenut.

Is RWIN registering in Cablenut?

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with XP Sp1 the analyzer will read TcpWindowSize only and report that as RWIN, so if you set TcpWindowSize to 64240 and Default ReceiveWindow to 512000, the analyzer will still report 64240

on SP2 its diffrent, then the analyzer will read both DefaultReceivewindow and TcpWindowsize, so if you use a TcpWindowSize of 64240 and a DefaultReceiveWindow of 512000, the analyzer will report the larger value of these 2, and in this case 512000

VanBuren :)

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