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what are you going to use the computer for? if you cant find a good deal on one you can still save tons on newegg and just get every seperately if you are building a computer. heck if you are buying a prebuilt one newegg has a phenom II quad core with a 9800gt graphics card and like 8gb ddr3 ram for like 800 bucks...get that and buy a better graphics card if you want to game.  :wink:

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I dont mind if its prebuilt with the mobo case and such. I also don't mind if i get the pieces separately and build my self. 

I would be using the PC for Internet, Office, video editing , some games, nothing serious. I usually buy from Dell, because they have good deals when even  have money. But they lack options that i want ,only 4 SATA ports and ugly cases.....something like this i guess http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4692745&CatId=3508 i have 2 320 Gb drive , 1 500Gb and a SATA DVD RW. And it runs Hot. I do Have extra fans on it too.

Plus i would like to just build one for my self for once.


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