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hello everyone

i am planning to get a new internet connection by the end of the week and i wanted to check here if its worth paying so much money for such a connection , i have no idea how to calculate the download rate so if anyone can help that would really make my decision easier ... 2.3mbps/2.3mbps , 8 gb up 8 gb down im guessing its hdsl ... what u guys think and what i really would wanna know what would my download rate be ? how can i calculate it ? thanks in advance

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Welcome to the forum. :welcome: You should be able to go to the Web site of who ever you are going to go with and see what speed packages they are offering and the prices. When I moved to Cable from Dialup the cable company was offering 3/512 for $40, a big jump from $15 a month. To me it was the best move to take and haven't looked back. My wife was the hardest to convince to make the move. You ask her now if she would go back to dialup you will get a big Hell No . So the choice is up to you.

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thanks for the reply, but i already wrote down above about the connection speed that ill be getting but i dont know whats the download rate gonna be like , its sure isnt gonna be 2.3 mb/s download but there is some kind of formula that calculates how much download speed ill be getting with a 8gb up and 8 gb down... the site doesnt really show how much a **mb file can be download in that much time , it just shows me what speed ill be getting in general but no specifications , but there is a formula if anyone knows or can let me know about what ill be expecting as download rate that would be sweet! ... thanks in advance

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Your download rate can be very tough to calculate. There are SO many factors. With cable you share a line with other users. So if your line has 4 other users, It depends on what they may be downloading. Plus you have to include the Server your downloading from. If traffic is high then your speeds may be a bit slower. 

 A prime example. I watch videos. Late at night. They load pretty fast. During the day. A bit slower. So in the end there is real no simple answer. My best advice, Is pick a package you can best afford, then if your not happy downgrade. I went from the 8 meg to the 20 meg. Was not happy with the 20, felt it was not worth the extra cash, So I went back to the 8 meg. Im happy with that. 

 Sorry, Thats about as close as a answer you will get. There are just WAY to many factors in the connection to calculate how fast your downloads will be. 

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