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""You are running: 4 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 37.93 second(s)

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 24.1 % of your hosts average (qwest.net)""

ya, been that way for a while.  i did a little firefox hack and that sure helped alot.  i also followed the steps listed on this site (most of em i already knew about)

shoudl i call qwest?  will they be able to make it faster?

it is slow on out mac (osx) and pc (win xp)

i get about the same speed test on wither one.

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i have been on the forum for a while now, jsut took a damn long brake.  i have followed those steps alot all the time.  not looking off this site or anything but i do all that stuff. the only thing i didnt know about that the utlity and i downloaded that and it didnt change a thing.  if you read my whole post, i said that i followed those steps already.

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if you read my whole post, i said that i followed those steps already.

Ahh, young padawan. You are not wise to the ways of the force. Respect your elders, yes? Older and wiser than you is Vanny.

Knows much, he does. Can help you he can.

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i have been on the forum for a while now, jsut took a damn long brake.  i have followed those steps alot all the time.  not looking off this site or anything but i do all that stuff. the only thing i didnt know about that the utlity and i downloaded that and it didnt change a thing.  if you read my whole post, i said that i followed those steps already.

call your ISP
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