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Hi guys,

    I just wanted to ask how can i transfer my vcr videos to my computer.Because i tried connecting my vcr [in] port to my Panasonic Dv that has output and used a firewire dirctly to my computer.But when i try to capture video nothing appear..why is that?please please help me.. :-|

Heres my equipments:

Panasonic DV-GS12

Belkin Firwire 1394

Vcr that has out and in port

A Sony computer RA series 820

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Ok, I've been doing this recently, and you either need a "Dazzle Card" if your pc doesn't have analog in, (my media center does...), and a program like (I use) Intervideo WinDVD Creator. Awesome program! Anythin else ya need to know?

:haha: hope that helps!


edit: with a analog in (AV) on your pc, it will recognise it better, with less loss...and...to tell the truth, I don't know how to use a Firewire cable with this! What program do you have to edit/capture video? :D

Ok, in Windows Movie Maker, I can't get any sound. I had to use WinDVD (which is an awesome program!  :D) in order for my pc to even get the sound in. check this out:


that's a dazzle card. See the Audio R/L in, and then the Video in? That's what's on your DV camera, right? This is pretty much what I have, only my Pc has a built in PCI card in the front and back.  ;) That one's USB, but would work great.

I think it comes with Pinnacle, but I'm not sure.

let me see what DV  gate plus is...just a sec.

oh, ok, that's jsut software...okey. That should work.. Maybe your DV cam doesn't let you just go straight in then out, maybe it only let's you record from the analog source onto DV tape...if that's so, do that, and then play back thru your DV cam, and record that.

kinda confusing, sorry :whaa:  :lol:

hope that helps for now!


again, it may be that your camera won't allow you to just play an analog source through. It goes into your camera as av, and out as Firewire? right?  :) that may be your problem. in DVD Gate, try to select source as that input, and play back your analog video into camera. otherwise, your only other option is probably to buy a dazzle card. sorry to say!  :-|

haha..that's exactly what I said dude.  ;)

I have a media center, and it has EVERYTHING..., so, I couldn't get audio on any program but WinDVD. That's why I suggested it first. MUVEE may work, I haven't tried that. THe problem he's having is that his camera isn't letting the analog signal pass through it into the PC.  :?

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