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Hi, I'm new here...want to thank you Van Buren for making those custom files for the Cablenut program, they work great!

I'm running Windows XP on SP1 (I hate SP2, I know it's more secure...but blah).

Anyway...I downloaded your version 3 .zip and used the 6000/768 because that is my advertised speeds, and I saw a great increase. It went from 5200 something to now past 6100 on the speed tests here.

Then I tried version 4 and version 5, again using the 6000/768 and it decreased my speeds back down to 5100.

So then I wondered if the first tests of the 6100 speeds after version 3 were just luck...so I used version 3 again and it went right back to the 6100 speeds.

Why do the version 4 and 5 seem to slow me down? I don't understand it...is it still ok to use version 3 instead of the newer ones?

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 6324 Kbps about 6.3 Mbps (tested with 5983 KB)

Download Speed is:: 772 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Sun Mar 6 12:08:06 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 113X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.33 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 106.8 % faster than the average for host (attbi.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-X06DN2LA8

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hey ToWhateverEnd :)

the Version 3 is good, but i noticed some ppl got alot of retransmissions and slow browsing, so i reduced the TcpWindowSize and GlobalMaxTcpWindowsize. It helped some, but some ppl slowed down like you did.

I try to find a file that works best overall, but its hard, so many things impact speed

the best thing is to calculate the TcpWindowSize and GlobalMaxTcpWindowsize, but it take some time

also test this ccs file generator http://j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php

It will build your file similar to Version 3

just change Synattack protect to 0

and use a latency value between 150-300ms

VanBuren :)

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but i noticed some ppl got alot of retransmissions and slow browsing, so i reduced the TcpWindowSize and GlobalMaxTcpWindowsize.

When I went to the custom .css builder page you linked me too, I entered a latency of 300 ms and it wanted to make my GlobalMaxTcpWindowsize greater than what it was on version 3. Is this bad? I put in the new suggested size.

What I'm wondering is if me living so close to my ISP is affecting my ping times. I live on the SAME street as where the Comcast ISP provider building is. Would this make me have less ping times? It said pick one between 150ms and 300 ms. But when I followed the ping guidelines and used the command prompt my pings were 25 ms. Then I read it said to test it during a "load" when you are downloading a big file. When I did that the highest ms then was 106 ms, usually around 90 something ms. That's not 150-300, so do I still enter a value between 150-300? Am I making any sense? LOL not very good with all of this stuff...

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determing the latency is very hard, there is no accurate way to get measure the correct latency value

when you maxing out your connection, your ping will change alot, you need a average of around 100 pings to get a value


ping -n 100 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  ( where  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is your gateway IP)

best thing is to test values, try 106 ms or 90 ms, and compare speed

i suggest 250ms to start with and work up/down from that

VanBuren :)

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