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I have two computers that download around 350 KB/sec (According to the tests here), but when I play games online, I get a ping of about 300 ms. This is rediculous, because it never done this before. This computer has a Radeon card, and the other one has GeForce 4 Ti 4200 64 MB card. I don't really understand why my ping went from 50 ms to 300 in just a matter of three days. They never were this bad before. Anyone know any tips or suggestions on what I should do to improve my ping? Its really... REALLY bad.

Both computers run with Windows XP Professional SP2, and have ALL the updates installed. I literally just formatted them both, so they are running in top shape. Its just the internet doesn't seem to be doing that.

I hate being killed, and not know about it until twenty seconds later. It sucks. Feels like dial-up all over again.

Heres the specs:


Your connection is: 2867 Kbps

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hi darkexhile.....well im on cable too and i game all the time....my pings are usually 20-50 in most servers (unless overseas or something)...if they're arizona based (where i live) i get pings below 20 if its a good server....anyway.....there are few things to tweak when playing lets say counter strike or even condition zero....PM me and ill help u out.....my cable cap is 4000/512 and i get waaaaaay over my cap, but yeah......either pm me or look for a program called hl tools :) cheers

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hi darkexhile.....well im on cable too and i game all the time....my pings are usually 20-50 in most servers (unless overseas or something)...if they're arizona based (where i live) i get pings below 20 if its a good server....anyway.....there are few things to tweak when playing lets say counter strike or even condition zero....PM me and ill help u out.....my cable cap is 4000/512 and i get waaaaaay over my cap, but yeah......either pm me or look for a program called hl tools :) cheers

I tried tweaking with the speedguides TCP Optimizer, and the Cablenut program, but both only SLOWED my connection to the internet. Nothing improved... its pathetic.

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depends on the server... if someone comes in and has a high ping then everyones will go up... that is just something that happens..

Thats the thing, I thought of that too...

I go only on servers with pings lower than 40 ms... Usually around 30, and my ping is at 200 still. Every server I go to is the same ping. Or pretty close to it.

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