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Verizon Confirms FiOS Access

Other ISP's in negotiation to sell service over Fios network

Verizon has confirmed the claim, made by a DSLExtreme representative here last week, that the company has plans to offer other ISPs access to its new fiber-to-the-premises network. TelephonyOnline reports a Verizon spokeswoman as saying, "A couple of deals have already been signed and more are in the works."

from dslreports.com

now i know some one will say, well it wont mean more people will have fios, it means verizon will own every thing.

well true they will own every thing, but by cutting the deal with other companies they are getting more money so that they can expand their network and if the small or other companies cut a good deal with verizon they might be the ones to choose where they expand to.

so there will be only one network the verizon fios network, but if every one is working for and to that network it will get bigger and more people willl have fios.

i dont think that this is the total way forward but its not a bad way forward

i still am pro free market of telecommunications and liberalizations of any market in this example telecommunications.

so i hope other big companies also get out there putting some fiber where verizon has fiber to give them some competion

and if that doesnt happend i guess we need to trust the some organization in america so that verizon keeps to standards and free trade and not monopolize the shit out of fios in the US

good luck to you guys in the US

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