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quote from http://www.cablenut.com/

"CableNut is a tool for optimizing your Internet Connection. We have provided a way to tweak any option you may want to in the adjuster. You can load "CableNut Custom Setting" files that are included with the program to tweak your Internet connection.

You can make your own "CableNut Custom Setting" files save them for later use, or distribute them to anyone with the CableNut program. Dialup, Cable, DSL, and Satellite connections are supported out of the box. If you don't have one of the supported connection types don't worry you can visit the site, and ask the CableNut team for help. Best of all it is freeware. We don't haggle you with annoying advertisments, banners, time limits, or restrictions. "

quote from http://www.dslnuts.com/

"Microsoft has updated the TCP/IP to include AFDParameters from the IPv4 and wont read TcpWindowSize correctley in most analyzers, what this means is that the only tool that will tweak correctley at this point is the Cablenut program. As we get more information we willl post it.

Here are the comments and link to Mnosteeles news thread.


If you have additional info on the changes feel free to add to that thread..

This is also effected in all flavors of Windows 2003 server.


by Mnosteele

Well it

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