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somethings eating my ram.........

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Guest helloimtim

I am gonna have to replace another stick of ram soon. I am really considering just haveing a computer built. While this compaq is not to bad. I have a 2.6 chip 80 gig hard drive sure seems like somethings wrong. Instead of shoving more money into it I may do this. Let a computer tec get the case, power supply,mother board and chip and hook it up. I will add the rest. That way if the mother board,chip or power supply goes bad its his problem. The rest I will add in time.

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Yea but where to start. Power supply, mother board. No idea.........

He was just being a jackass, don't mind rude members.  Truthfully, You have not given enough information on what's happening though for anyone to help, any errors with windows, does windows read your RAM specs correctly?


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Guest helloimtim

Im really not sure how much more info I can give. But in time, computer will not start it just beeps at me. Single beep pause single beep so on and so on. Take the stick of ram out. Clean it put it back. Everything is fine for awhile. Then it does it again. Gets worse and worse as time goes by. Replace the stick its fine for a few months then here we go again. Same thing. Its always the same slot. I run 2 sticks of 256 ram. I may give it one more shot. Get one stick of 512 and leave the other blank. That would be a temp fix maybey. Still does not answer why that one slot eats the 256 stick over time. The ram is right. 133 256 ddr ram. Tried the cheep stuff. (staples) tries the best stuff at my local computer shop. Both with the same results. I really have not looked that close at it. But I wonder if I could simply replace the mother board. Not sure if I am smart enough. But it is a tempting thought. Not sure. If anyone has the knowledge on how to replace it and can sort of walk me throgh it may try. Who knows.........thanks......

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Definitely a motherboard problem. There's really not much to it, just be sure to get one compatible with your processor, RAM, and power supply. The reason I say power supply is because some old power supplies don't have the extra 4 pin ATX connector, which some of the newer P4 motherboards have.  But I'd definitely say that that's a motherboard issue.


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Guest helloimtim

I was kinda thinking mother board maybey. Think I will in time have one built. I will take some short cuts. Get the case,power supply, mother board, and chip done by local tec. I will put in the ram, hard drive, op system, video card, all that other stuff. That way the most important parts will be his problem.

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