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Below Are My Results From The Download Test

They Seem Alright But When Using FTP's, DC++, BitTorrent and few other P2P software i cant get no faster than about 5KB/s

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 913 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

Download Speed is:: 111 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main)

Test Time:: Wed May 25 13:20:06 UTC+0100 2005

Bottom Line:: 16X faster than 56K 1MB download in 9.23 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 3.51 % faster than the average for host (214.57)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-DRP29HCYB

Any Reasons For This? Just Using TalkTalk Broadband USB Modem running on a Athlon 3000+ XP, 768MB Ram, And XP Firewall but i get the same speeds even if i disable the firewall?

Although my upload speeds are fine always uploading at about 30kb/s

Any Help, Fixes For This? Thanks For Reading Hope Someone Can Help Me Out  :D



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TalkTalk Broadband - 1MB


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Its Weird But Saying That Not All The Time Is The FTP Slow Might Just Be There Server> Coz I Do Sometimes Get About 100kb/s On FTP

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If you got two Modem cables. One you got hooked up is the USB the other one that looks like a phone cable but over sized plugs goes into back of the computer provided your computer has one.(Ethernet Outlet)

the cord you've currently got running from your DSL modem to your computer is probably a USB cord... You can achieve more stable speeds via ethernet. Ethernet jacks indeed look like oversized phone cords, depending on the age and maker of your PC you could already have a NIC (Network Interface Card) in it, if not $20 will get'cha one. Just plug it into a spare PCI slot and load up the drivers, plug in a network cable ($6-10 if your modem box doesn't have one in it.. ) and then you'll be seeing closer to advertised speeds. as well as being more ready for tweaks.

If the only place you're seeing slow speeds is P2p clients its' not going to help to use eithernet.. that's just chances of getting a good peer to upload from... I doubt they're pakcetshaping since it sounds like talk talk doesn't even have anything to do with the POP's (reseller only) but it could be depending on the company that controls them. Remember that P2P relies on having someone to send you the file, and as i'm sure you know if you do a uploadtest your upload isn't usually as good as your download.. (unless you have a SDSL or other synch line) so be thankful you have an always on connection and can still steal music and wait for it.. or use a serivce like napster or emusic or whatever and pay for it and enjoy super fast downloads. </Rant>


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OK my modem box has a USB Port plugged into my pc and a another port for phoneline (from phonebox to modem)

thats all that is on my modem, and yes i hav a network card but i hav a network cable from that to my pc in my room or xbox (i jsut change when i play xbox online)

so do i need anything else? as i cant get a network cable into the port of my usb modem :?:

thanks for ur replys  ;)


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