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nero ???

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Guest helloimtim

Im trying to figure out how to back up my ghost image to dvd and make it bootable. When I try to add the image it says image bigger than 2 gig must convert to udf?? Ok I admit it im lost? Saw someplace i needed to use nero's in cd? This whole dvd is all new to me to speak slow and use simple words

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Guest helloimtim

Change of game plan so please ignore the rest. I just went back to useing ghost 2003. Strage how 2003 will make a bootable cd for you the new version wont. Guess newer is not always better. O well. Just thankful I got 2003 when I bought version 9.0. Seems like 9.0 is more a hard core system restore........2003 is more of a backup tool..........2003 is just better......

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