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Hello, I am new in this forum and my englis is not very good, so I am sorry for it and be comprehensive.

Well, I have this connection:

Country: Spain

ISP: ya.com

Type: ADSL

Download: 1000

Upload: 300

OS: Windows XP Pro, with SP2

Router: 3com (ADSL 11g Wireless Router)

Dynamic IP

I am back in a proxy (I don

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I have applied all kind of patchs in my PC, and my internet settings are not very bad, because my speed is ... good, but my ISP has doubled my speed from 512/128 to 1000/300. I am trying to optimize my connection with cablenut, and there are several settings with the download speed (1000) but not an upload speed that fits me (300). I have downloaded all possible .css files. That is what I am looking for. Can you help me? If not, I will continue with my old settings.

Thank you.


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hey mrproper and welcome to the forum :)

you should follow the steps in the sticky and provide more info....

i made 3 files for you, cos i didnt know your MTU

VanBuren :)

Well, what a fantastic forum !! I thought that everything was lost... but Vanburem and everybody is worrying about my problem. Than you very much indeed. The forums and the people are so different (in comparison with Spain). Fantastic !!

Vanburem, I am using your .ccs updated named "DSL PPPoE 1000 384.ccs" that I got from your version 6 updated files. I use XP proffesional and my connection is 1000 (download) / 300 (upload) and it is more or less good, what kind of files have you posted me? are for those speeds? and where can I see my MTU so that I can tell you?

Mmmm, I am so happy to be listened !! I have been reading all the topics about increasing the speed, patch, tips, etc. Uff, too many things to apply, but there are many things I do not understand. Well, anyway I hope your answer.

Thank you again, and sorry for my english...

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3. What tweakprograms you already got installed, and run this test http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks  copy and paste result URL  adress in your post!

it will find your MTU

by the way, here is the file i made for you


VanBuren :)

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I don't know if the options I chose are correct. I have a 1000 / 300 connection, windows xp pro, and I chose "winXPpppoe"... because in my router puts something of it, but perhaps It suits better "routerpppoe"...

Anyway, those are the results. Ask me anything you like.

Can I apply the file you have made for me or should I expect for your answer with the results of the test?

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I am afraid I do not understood very well. You mean that my router is cutting my MTU? and I should have 1500 or 1492? and how can I put this value? Can I put it in the router settings?

How can I bypass the router to connect to internet? I have no modem. I connect directly with the router. Sorry, but I am a newer.  :icon_pale:


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I have changed the MTU to 1492 in the router and I have applied the .css you made for me with that MTU. Is correct the option where I have changed the MTU in the router?


What I have not made is to bypass the router because I do not know how to do it. Anyway, are these results better than the first time?

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try this

in that router setup, blank out the MTU field and leave it blank

open cablenut, click delete cablenut tweaks and click save to registry

download and open Dr.TCP http://www.dslreports.com/front/DRTCP021.exe

in MTU field, make sure its blank and click apply and exit

now reboot pc and powercycle your modem and router

make a new tweaktest

VanBuren :)

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Well, I have tried to do what you told me. Blank out the MTU in the router, but if I try to save the settings, a message appears: I must put a value between 576 and 1492. So I have not saved the settings, but left blank out the field. About the instructions with Cablenut and Dr.TCP no problem. I reset the router and reboot my PC. Once rebooted I have checked the field in the router and is the same as before (1492).

The result of the test is:


I have made some test in download speed, and I have similar results as before (800 kbps) but from time to time I have vey bad results (385, 300, 20 !!).

I don't understand anything....  :icon_pale:

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Yes osva, I have 1 mb now, because they have just doubled my speed (from 512/128 to 1000/300), but I think that the upload speed is not true (I continue with 128). In July, they say that the are going to double again...  :lol:

The matter is that I get more or less the same results (well, that is what I think...) with the settings I had before in Cablenut than with the settings given by VanBuren. I am really surprised  :shock:  and I do not understand anything. VanBuren and me have made all kind of changes...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,  :angry5:

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then use 1492 as MTU in router setup

also open Dr.TCP and set MTU to 1492, click apply

download this attached file ( i changed it a bit ) and dubbleclick on it, click save to registry and reboot your PC

powercycle your modem/router, leave it off for 30 seconds

test speed again, also use these mirrors https://testmy.net/mirrors.php cos you might have a problem in the route

VanBuren :)

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