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Hi all.....

I'm like DUH!! when it comes to digital cameras, the Q: is can any digital camera be used as a webcam using the USB port ?

I wasn't sure if it would hurt anything being on for long periods of time like that.

I can't seem to find out anything about that anywhere.

This is the camera I was thinking about HERE And as cheap as Webcams are it's not that big an issue just curious.

Also does that seem to be a fairly decent camera for the money?


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Yes you can use it as a web cam. I almost bought the canon but opted for the fujifilm because it had a 6x optical zoom

3.2 megapixal is great. I take outstanding photos with mine and can even blow them up to about half the size of a poster and still see no graininess, or pixelation. Most Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm digi cameras are all great.

$174 looks like a great deal. also when using a web cam your battery will die eventually make sure you buy a canon power supply cord. I bought some generic multi purpose adapter that eventually (after 6 mo.s) fried the circuitry in my camera and had to send it to fujifilm to be replaced.

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