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Welcome to TestMy.net shocker670. Enjoy your stay. :)

Being that you're on RR, your download won't be an issue. Upload is what really counts when your playing Xbox Live or any online game. The better the upload, the better your experience in online games (as long as everyone can keep up).

Always remember, online gaming will lag from time to time, but it shouldn't be an ongoing thing. What's more is that the connection to a server/host for gameplay is only as fast as what the slowest user is running.

For instance, if User-A has 6000/768 and User-B has 3000/128, everyone's upload will only be as fast as what User-B can put out. One person on a server can bring the entire game to a sloppy lag-fest, and it doesnt't matter how much upload you have. If you are hosting with 6000/768, User-B can join your server and lag may become a problem being that his/her connection is not on par with everyone elses.

While your connection is trying to send/receive data at its fastest, it will be crippled by the 128kbps upload of User-B. Lag will occur when his connection can't keep up.

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