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My brother just got a new Dell 6000 laptop with the 2200b/g networking card.  Unfortinally Dell ships the new systems with SP2 installed.  I have found that it is just about impossible for his computer to stay on a network for any length of time.  Much less shut it down and have the computer reconnect on start up.  I am wondering if anyone has found a solution for this? 

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I said reconnect, not disconnect lol. Tell me about to many neigbors with Wireless their also pretty illiterate when it comes to it, they have open networks and i find whenever my cell phone is around like sitting next to the usb wireless thing i loose it more often like i just did  a few mins ago...  :icon_scratch:

the thing is that my Pre sp2 laptop on the same router has no problems what so ever.. not to mention they are the exact same wireless cards.. I have 4 on wireless and this is the only one that seems to have problems..  Most of the time I can get this stuff to work.. but this one is just really pissing me off..

It is a Di-524, DI-614+ or a WRG101.. I have 3.. an it does it on every single one... I can get it to connect but i cant keep it connected for long periods of time or after shutdown.  the ip lease is set at a week.  I have WPA on the 524 and the 101 and WEP 128 on the 614+..

Go to http://support.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/sb/CS-010623.htm and get the latest 2200BG driver and software set.  http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/detail_desc.aspx?ProductID=1637&DwnldID=9003&agr=N is the direct link.  When you install it, don't install the Single signon option since it will remove the fast user switching.

I'm running this on our Dell Inspiron 6000 with winXP Pro.  You can install the driver only or some of the extra software.  The admin tools are pretty kewl.  You can see signal strength, which access point you are connecting to, etc.  You can also setup exclusions so that you aren't connecting to a neighbors network.

If you install the admins tools and software, they run a bunch of other tasks so it'll look like you got invaded by a virus or adware.  I don't like that much, but I really like the admin tool so I deal with it.  I'm running it on my HP laptop right now.

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