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TCP Optimizer is easy to use and the latest TCP optimizer is alot better then the past, with this you can choose your advertised speed, but its way more limited then Cablenut

Cablenut is the only tweakprogram that can tweak upload, for alot of ppl with pretty low upload bandwith, the TCP Optimizer is enough to hit the cap.

I always managed to hit my cap upstream and dowstream with Cablenut, and with TCP Optmimizer ive only hit downstream cap, So my vote goes to Cablenut  :D

VanBuren :)

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hmm.........thats weird........i get better ul speeds with tcp but i prob got the wrong setting for cablenut.......cant seem to find the rite one

your best uploadscore is 393 Kbps and i guess your cap is 384, with that TCP Optimizer is enough, or windows default settings cos thats basicly what TCP optimizer using for upload.

VanBuren :)

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