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Guest helloimtim

I believe in time as ie7 progresses forward I can forsure see more and more users getting away from 3rd party browsers. Not just fire fox but opera k-melon and so many others. I just believe the hassles with all the plug ins and some web sites not writing or codeing for any thing else other than IE. I think its just so much easier to go to microsoft. Update everything you need to and your done. Just my 2 cents.

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It is a good thing to remember that IE is beta right now. not to mention that it wasnt even going to be release to windows xp!  Gates decided this at some conference earlier in the year that since FF had taken so much market share away that it was going to be nessary to release IE7 on the Xp os.  So this browser was never intended to work on this operating system and now they are trying to make it work.. something that microsoft cant do when it is designed to work in the first place. 

I have only tired it the Vista beta and to be truthful i was not all that impressed.  It just feels to clumsy.  I like the search feature on ff, how it is looks, responds, and how you can make it your own.  Through tweaks and plugins.  Until i see a real reason to change i think i wil be with FF..

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