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Well after tweaking unsuccessfully I've decided to make my mom subscribe us to a new ISP. I'm currently using Verizon DSL. What do you guys recommend? A good price would be $40/mo or lower. It's ok if its a little bit higher than $40, nothing that's near $50! I live in Fairfax, Virgnia by the way, so what do you guys think I should get? Also, what will happen if I order a new ISP, but keep my current one? I don't want to cancel Verizon and then get a new ISP because then I would have to wait, and have no Internet, and I need it for school which starts very soon (8th Grade hehe!) I want to get the new ISP service activated before I cancel my current one. So what are some recommendations?

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It's too slow...

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 744 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Download Speed is:: 91 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Sun Aug 14 2005 13:16:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB download in 11.25 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 17.25 % of your hosts average (verizon.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-D7XU520BV

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Well after tweaking unsuccessfully I've decided to make my mom subscribe us to a new ISP. I'm currently using Verizon DSL. What do you guys recommend? A good price would be $40/mo or lower. It's ok if its a little bit higher than $40, nothing that's near $50! I live in Fairfax, Virgnia by the way, so what do you guys think I should get? Also, what will happen if I order a new ISP, but keep my current one? I don't want to cancel Verizon and then get a new ISP because then I would have to wait, and have no Internet, and I need it for school which starts very soon (8th Grade hehe!) I want to get the new ISP service activated before I cancel my current one. So what are some recommendations?

See if you qualify for Verizon FIOS, if so you would be getting about 20x faster than you are getting now, for $49.95 Mo.

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I called them. Been waiting on the line for 17 minutes. It'll be worth the wait I hope.

Edit: What the hell! He said he was testing my speed and he said that I had 860kilobits/s. He said my line was provisioned for 768kilobits/s, and that it was better then what its supposed to be. But I pay $29.95 per month, and i thought my parents purchased the 1.5mpbs plan. That's just weird. Then he said bye really fast right after he told me this, and I was like bye...

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I WAS to far from the co..then all the sudden im the only person on my street with 1.5/390 and everyone else has 768/130 hmm wierd? and now the bill is 49.99 a month and just a few dayts ago MSN with Verizon stoped working...so i think my parents are going to switch to comcast....i think  :icon_scratch:

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Well this just sucks. Earthlink Cable isn't availaible in my area. Bell South requires a Bell South phone number, and I'm not sure if it's that much better or not. I'm thinking of Cox now. My mom was like sure no problem, but then my dad is said no. He just said that if I keep on complaining he'll cut everything off and take my computer away. Haha. :haha: I need some ISP recommendations please.

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