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Ok There is wireless internet in my area. But i am just out of the serveice area. THe guy said if i could get a tower i could have service. he said even a tall tree would work. Think there is anyway i can get something like a tower but not have to pay the 1500 dollars for a big tower? Thanks for any help you can give me. im on satellite and i need atleast 150k upload to game :(.

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Here is an idea... Wireless works on a line of site when it comes to long distance.. how far are we talking about? One think that you could try is to build an onmi directional antenna and then aim it at the service.. this is some thing that war drivers do all of the time... the only problem would be the speed factor... and distance.. you could then mount it using pcv pipe or something on the top of your roof.. I will try and find the site that had a bunch of article on how to build high powered antennas..

Here is a good article.. http://www.wwc.edu/~frohro/Airport/Primestar/Primestar.html 10 mile range (line of site) with this version..

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I think the wireless that you are looking into is not 802.11. I can't remember the exact standard, but I think it might be 802.16. This is used because it is better for a line of sight signal. The omi-directional antena that Swimmer posted may work, but I don't know.

You can build an antenna with a pretty high gain with a Pringles can :)

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So do you think i should just call the wireless internet company? They can come out to my house and check for avalibility for free!! So i think i will do that. Hey does anyone know how fast dsl,cable.idsn is expanding? because i live 6 miles out of town in the country there is a lot of huge houses out here i wonder why they haven't put our area in their target market? But anyways i dunno imma go later

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So do you think i should just call the wireless internet company? They can come out to my house and check for avalibility for free!! So i think i will do that. Hey does anyone know how fast dsl' date='cable.idsn is expanding? because i live 6 miles out of town in the country there is a lot of huge houses out here i wonder why they haven't put our area in their target market? But anyways i dunno imma go later[/quote']

How fast? Not fast enough. I have a friend in town that has 3000/256 and he is only 2 miles away! I can only get dial up or Direcway.

That link that swimmer posted has me interested however. My friend already has a Wi-Fi router, which he lets me use to download things by sitting in front of his house :)

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yeah.. there is another one that is even cheaper.. i just need to find it.. it has about a 1.5 to 3.9 mile range.. directional only.. but hey. :lol:

It would be sweet if you could find it!

When you say it's directional; does the person on the other end also have to have a directional antena?

If this actually works out, I would just put one of those wireless bridges in and put the ethernet port to the WAN port on a router. That would be sweet!

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directional means that you have to aim it at the other end.. it is like a gun instead of a bomb... :lol:

Yes, I know. But would the directional antenna on my end alone be powerful enough to get to two miles away through some trees? Or would both ends need one lined up to each other to get enough signal strength?

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