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Well im asking this because of a couple of things. I have a 15/2 fios connection but I run it through a wireless router. I am used to getting speed scores of about 12/2 However I have downloaded some files just using the internet and it will show my speeds at about 14mb/s what is up with that?

What is also weird is that when I use the test my upload is going at 1mb/s but when I upload using a torrent I get my full 2mb/s even 2.2mb/s Im not complaining, just everytime I test here my balls shrink and I start testing for faults. Any Ideas?

One last Question, what is better, the Dlink wireless G router or the LinksysWRTG wireless router?

Thanx guys. Nice website

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CA3LE is working on them every day to make them more accurate, even for you FIOS (ab)users. :-P

Often, the tests are more accurate than the speed results by browsers, as they start downloading once you click the link, but don't update the download speed until you picked a place to save, which adds a huge and non-existant burst. P2P programs are even worse, just plain wrong in most cases, and that includes BitTorrent.

I use StatBar with current down and up speeds directly from the network card. That should be a better comparison to testmy.net's results if your connection is stable.

AFAIK those two routers are great by themselves, but I'd prefer the Linksys personally if I ever go wireless.

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