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road runner and earthlink

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i have had earthlink cable modem for about a year now and its perfect. i wanted to ask whats better road runner or earthlink? cuz they both have the same exact price 44.95 and the speeds r identical 5000/384 i think. i wanted the free aol along with road runner. but i wanna know if road runner is as reliable as earthlink cable modem.

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I think the question you want to ask is which provides the best speed?  Cable modems dont make that much of a difference.. you can go out and buy one if you wanted..  There is not much difference between the modems that ISPs provide.. Most of them are motorola..  Take a look in the road runner thread http://www.testmy.net/forum/b-28.0 and see what people think and what type of speeds.. you could even see if someone in your area has cable internet..

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both roadrunner and earthlink use the time warner network, so earthlink is roadrunner and vice versa.  all thats diff is the software i think.

Also...what is this 'free aol' you say?

I have RR but no 'free aol'?

dont get me wrong, aol is cruddy, but i wanna log on and see waht it looks like now lol.  last time i used aol...it was v6 or 7.0

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