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Problem when trying to install programs with more than one cd

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Whemm i try to instll a program that has more than one cd, my computer freezes up when its time to switch cd's. I tried with more than one program and it does the same thing. I use ccleaner which is a registry cleaner. Could this be causing my problem?

i dont keep it on, i just run a scan every now and then, otherwise it is off, so yeah i get the problem whether its on or off. I was just asking cus a lot of people say they get some small problems when using a registry cleaner. Do u use a reg cleaner?

or use something like alcohol120% to make a .iso file and load it on a virtual cd drive. if you can't get anything else to work say so and ill give you a detailed guide on how to do this

uhhh.....i'll try that tomorrow, im sleepy now. but still my point is that i shouldnt have to do this, it should work anyway.

that isn't your problem.. ive used that program for a long time.

hey when u use ccleaner's issues fixer, do u browse over the results before u fix them or do u only do certain ones?

ok, i was getting restless so i did a full system recovery, which brought my pc to its out of the box condition. I was able to install the sims 2, but still not sim city 4 and i tried all this before installing ccleaner so i know that wasn the problem. I will try what u two recommended but i dont really know how, or even what u mean, so i just need some clarification on what to do and i'll try that. If what u two recommend doesnt work, then maybe something is wrong with my game cd or cd-rom drive.

make a dir on your hdd. copy all files from all the cd's of a game/program into it, then run the setup from there. leave cd1 in the drive so it can detect it for the copy protection, although the install routines usually don't do this.

that might solve your problems with the games, and will definitely take care of things for office apps.

make a dir on your hdd. copy all files from all the cd's of a game/program into it, then run the setup from there. leave cd1 in the drive so it can detect it for the copy protection, although the install routines usually don't do this.

that might solve your problems with the games, and will definitely take care of things for office apps.

Thanks a lot, i was able to get it to work doing it this way. Do u know what may have been the cause of all this raucus?

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