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Question Regarding Trend Pc-Cillin Anti-Virus

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I recently just got Pc-Cillin because I heard it's pretty good. My problem is that every time I open it, my Internet connection gets blocked. Even if I disable Pc-Cillin firewall, I still can't see any sites. I need to close it with the tray icon. Does anyone know what I can do, so that I can keep Pc-Cillin on while having an Internet connection?

If the Halt is not on, try going into Network Security -> Personal Firewall -> *Choose your connection or click on the one that is chosen right now and click on Edit afterwards* -> In the connection profile window, go into the Exceptions List tab and make sure Internet Explorer has a check mark beside it.. It should be enabled by default and its a bit of a long shot, but it doesn't hurt to try :)

what firewall setting are you using?  I am running direct connect.. and it works fine with a dlink 524...

I got the same thing.. Direct Connection setting with an SMC router.. Works fine for everything, and it was like that by default I think.. :)

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