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I have been working on this machine for the last 2 hours now, might i mention that it's 1:20 am and I have school tomorrow, lol...and I have only managed to boot it into Puppy Linux Live, and that worked good, because it didn't have to access the DAMN hard drive. Now, I know that my HD is probably screwed up, but I transfered it from another pc, and didn't change anything, and it didn't work right from then on. I gutted out the old machine, and put everything in the new machine (my friend gave me a case, and a better motherbard, with a great! AMD Duron processor, running @ 935MHz...), and for some reason, it hasn't worked since. What is going on? I am trying to install 2000 Pro, and now (as it is saying "Setup is starting Windows..." at the bottom of the screen), it is giving me this error:

Disk I/O Error Status= 0000CC000

Or something to that effect, the only thing changing would be the hexadecimal value

be as technical as needed, I am sick and tired, literally, from working on this computer.

As Always...

Thank you guys much! :-|

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Alright make sure that the cable going into the drive is going the right way.. Like it is in correctly.. and in all the way.. If that doesnt work.. when you have the option to partition the hard drive.. delete everything, create one partition, and use the NTFS normal not quick to format..  My guess is that it is a bad partition on the hard drive itself.  That is where most of the pulled errors come from..

You probably wont believe me, but I already did all those before you told me to. I tried my win 2000 pro install disc, tried partitioning, with NTFS, and it kept saying that there was an expected error.. :roll:

Well, at least for the moment I'm happy...I got a Knoppix live CD.... :twisted: no HD needed!

  • 3 weeks later...

If you already havnt....

Make sure your cmos is correct for the HD you put in.

Dbl check master and slave jumper.

Try plugging the belt into other IDE.

Did linux find the HD..or is it lost @ cmos

If there is more than 1 HD already in the PC... make sure the boot sequince is set to the HD with the correct Master Boot Record for windowz.

If there is more than one HD.. the MBR might be on a diffrent HD than the one the OS is on..

I feel your pain...been there done that..have the dented PC case to prove it

haha! new sig! well, the hd was crap, apparently, my friend @ school is the TA for the comuter tech, so he gets all the old schools stuff. Plus, his mom works there, so he can store it all in her classroom...haha, it's wonderful being this guy's friend....i mean, I don't have the room @ home to set-up this computer he gave me (other one, don't ask...lol, it used to be the schools, actually!), but I still wanted it, so instead of taking the pc back, we worked out a deal with his mom to let me set it up in her room, as if (as my friend put it...) "we have another computer in the room for some reason....". hilarious! so, we set it up, with the student pc facing forward, and my pc facing opposite of that, and password protected it 3 ways from sunday! no one can get into it now (for at least the last 3 days or so), especially us, since either me or him, probably me, wrecked the HDD on THAT ONE!!!  :angry5:  And I thought it was the Oc'ing of the rage 128 that's in it! well, I guess I was wrong. so now, day by day after school, me and him sit around (I have to wait for my dad to pick me up from school) and take apart BOTH, yes, the student also, trying to swap out parts to try to get it to work. Damn windows, we think that's what's the problem, that the boot got messed, and consequentially, it f**cked windows, awesome, huh?

sorry again guys reading this for the rant...tired, it's 2:02 am in Cali...ugghh..

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