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I KNOW this is possible.......Im just trying to think of a way to do it. So far I have come up with this:

This Video Capture Card obviously should take connections from a VCR


or this one:


Has anyone ever done this? the user basically wants to take old home vhs tapes and dub them into DVD so he can burn them.

What else would I need besides a DVD burner?



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I have seen people use thing one.. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1111287&CatId=1425

Yeah other than that you are going to need some editing software.. which is include in the box.. and a dvd burner..

Here is another option depending if you have an 8x agp slot available.. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=612489&CatId=0

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Thanks swimmer......

I think we are just gonna go with someething like the first one....I need something that has RCA plug-ins and it looks like it would just be easier to setup that Pinaclle system to do this

Thanks again

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yeah that is true.. You will like that system.. I have a friend who uses that hardware with their pro version of their software and is able to make kick ass movies.. so the quality is there..  good luck.. let us know how everything works out..

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