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I was thinking about getting Cavtel DSL and just wanted to know a few things.

1.What kind of modem does it come with? cause if its not wireless I'll stay with Verizon unless Cavtel lets me use my current modem

2.Is the speed really 10Mbps? I am paying 30 bucks a month for 768Kbps from Verizon

3.Does the price stay at $25 a month, or does it go up?

4.Is it reliable?

5.Do they require PPPoe?

If anyone who has Cavalier DSL and can answer my questions thank you

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Please read my post found here ----> http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-8575.0 .

I'm not sure about all the modems they have , you can ask when you call them.

Not too bad, but if the advertised speed is 10mbps down, then it needs some serious improvement :D

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