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Ok I got FiOS installed today (10/4) and these are the results from testmy.net then you'll see I test from the Santa Cruz server and I get full speed....am I really geting that speed? Or Testmy.net's speed...? If i'm geting this speed, any way I can optimize it to make it faster? I've allready installed CableNut PPPoE 15000/2000 Fiber Optic setting and that got my U/l faster on the Santa Cruz server. Thanks.

From Testmy.net

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 14896 Kbps about 14.9 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1818 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Tue Oct 04 2005 21:47:23 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Bottom Line:: 266X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.56 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 249.92 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WVS21KGN9

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1815 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 222 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Tue Oct 04 2005 21:50:15 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

Bottom Line:: 32X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 4.61 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 206.59 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-2PIFRQTV4

From UC Santa Cruz NDT server

TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.3d

click START to begin

Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Done

running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 1.96Mb/s

running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 15.21Mb/s

The slowest link in the end-to-end path is a 10 Mbps Ethernet subnet

click START to re-test

But overall, its blazing fast, constent 1-20 ms. besides my dads problem with MSN crashing.

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i saw like a fios "jeep" type thing in my area, maybe it's coming soon im not gonna switch although, because i'm sure Comcast is going to blow that away soon

edit: off of my story and onto yours, speeds like good!

Ol' Comcast still hasnt got above 1MB U/l yet... :?

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