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like I said in the early morning hours today I maxed out at 7 or 8Mbps and consistently over 4Mbps............isn't that a sign or congestion during the day limiting my speed?

Maybe. Looks like all you can do is call them. :)

Maybe. Looks like all you can do is call them. :)

last time I called they asked me to power cycle and they told me to change settings in IE then I told them I used firefox and they said they'd have to send a tech out.....but we know how that is gonna go

"don't tweak your settings" or "i can put in a new modem if you think that will work" or "no problems on our end" or "those online speed tests aren't accurate",etc.

those CSR people are completely incompetent and I doubt if they send out a tech they'll be much better


like I said in the early morning hours today I maxed out at 7 or 8Mbps and consistently over 4Mbps............isn't that a sign or congestion during the day limiting my speed?

yea thats a sign of congestion or a modem overheated, its not a problem with the settings.....

call your ISP

VanBuren :)

my thread's been hijacked!  :shock:

ok now this is crazy.....all day Sunday my download has been <1Mbps and now it's 2AM here and it's down to 500Kbps

how is it that I can tweak it so perform at 7Mbps in the early morning hours one night and now I can't even break 1Mbps!!!

i just woke up and it's 8AM and here's my results with my current tweak....

Your connection is:  8524  Kbps      (about 8.5 Mbps)

You downloaded at: 1041 kB/s

Your TRuSPEED: ^info^ 9121 Kbps :: 1114 kB/s (7% overhead factored)

Bottom Line: You are running: 152 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 0.98 second(s)

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 132.77 % faster than the average for host (cox.net)

but I know by this afternoon my download will drop to under 1Mbps :(

if it is just too many people on the line all you can do is complain cause no matter how you optimize it, it will always be off cause your pings arent the same all the time.  also your speed depends on how many people is on your node so to me it seems cable can be harder to tweak cause its always changing.

now my dsl on the other hand i always get the same speed and pings everytime i test it compared to my friend i tried to optimize but got messed up on different times of the day(peak hours).  just as i always say its all luck what you can get and how its gonna work

Hey ufjoe21, try this custome setting I did. Hope it works. :)

at 8AM this morning  using your tweak I maxed out at ~8.5Mbps......but now it's 4:30pm and it's below 1Mbps

looks like it's too much congestion.......

bellsouth DSL is 3Mbps at most and it's only a little cheaper than what I currently pay Cox and I used to have them and wasn't thrilled with them either....oh well :(

I might like Verizon FIOS, but I'm in an apartment so even if it was available it wouldn't be allowed :(

so what can i do just call Cox and say "you have too many customers in my area, get rid of them!" ?

Call them and get transfered too Tech Support2, since they are more smarter than tech support 1. Then tell them your issue with your High Speed Internet and if you want you can tell them how many people are in your node.

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