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  I hear PRW DSL has 0 issues and excellent latencies.  I have also heard good things about biva and aeronet.

i've tried them both... sucked for gaming. that's a fact.

good service for those professionals who want the faster internet tho'.

(faster browsing, faster e-mail checking XD)

about the flaming and personal attacks?

pffft... keep it up. lol. ill keep up annoying oneLink, calling them every 3 days to tell them that i want this thing fixed.  as for "getting a life". mate, u should check out my girlfriend, u should check out my bank accounts, and you should check this one i have in my hand right now. lol.

Check out various webpages you will see more and more ISPs are actually throttling bittorrent traffic, and if encryption gets in the way then they just limit the amount of concurrent connections.

someone here reported that torrents are lately very capped. looks like you know more than you're saying and obviously they (your onelinkpr friends) told you that they're limiting the concurrent connections (or rather the number of connections established per torrent) to limit the bandwidth, slow your torrent down to dial-up levels and monopolize the service exclusively for visiting pages and reading email lol :)

vforv, have you checked where you are? you are in PR. complaining won't get you shit except an ulcer. you get the royal shaft from the government, the utilities and now from your cable provider. you think a place that views a road with more craters than a baghdad marketplace as normal can expect decent infrastrucutre in other areas? lolol

i agree, cap the torrents and other p2p. the gaming is usually legal traffic since most people playing online actually pay for it, so they should see they get that fixed. as for hope? none. move to prtc, get their flavor of the shaft. at least you will stop complaining here that not enough people are complaining.

vforv, have you checked where you are? you are in PR. complaining won't get you S#!t except an ulcer. you get the royal shaft from the government, the utilities and now from your cable provider. you think a place that views a road with more craters than a baghdad marketplace as normal can expect decent infrastrucutre in other areas? lolol

i agree, cap the torrents and other p2p. the gaming is usually legal traffic since most people playing online actually pay for it, so they should see they get that fixed. as for hope? none. move to prtc, get their flavor of the shaft. at least you will stop complaining here that not enough people are complaining.

I completly agree. Here in PR...there is no point in complaining since you will only get trouble. As far as Onelink goes for capping....I dont like how Onelink thinks that there powerlink is for browsing and checking email. Dialup is sufficient for it. Thank you. But I took there service for more reason the this. LIVE Xbox play for 1, online streaming for audio/video (completly legal and subscription based BTW) and VPN connectivity with office.

Now from onelink behavior, it is clear that many powerlink subscribers use their connection for online game play. Hence they have capped the bandwidth on it. This is a completly legal service. Please uncap the bandwidth so that online game play can be enjoyed properly (anyway...with the upload bandwidth they give us...we cant host any game....we just join existing servers). If they succeed in getting away with this...then what next to be capped.

they have not capped the gaming.  Not that I know of, i've been able to play weekends with no problems on onelink.  The problem is that during hours in which there is a lot of traffic the routers can't handle the load or we don't have enough bandwith and thus you can't play.  Simple as that, I've also been able to download torrents with no problems true not running at 300k or 250k it's been some time but i've seen them up to 100k.

Now you guys are all working on rumors as I said before.  Wait for the fix to be done then test your P2P if it continues then you have all the right to bitch and moan about it.  But since onelink still has issues all you can do is sit tight and wait until they get fixed. March 1st is next week.

lol dudes. gaming is not capped one bit. i can get a 50 ping on battlefield 2 servers almost every day (not during the night lol).

and battlefield 2 is a major bandwidth hog, beleive me. it's not capped. i spend almost 2GB throughput of bandwidth on saturdays only. lol. *btw if u don't know what throughput is  tsk tsk. heh*.

btw, complaining is really a tool. specially with DACO on my palm. SPECIALLY WITH A SMART AND CALM ATTITUDE AND INTELLIGENT APPROACH OF THE SITUATION.

If you think complaining properly is not a tool, you are just a lousy conformist / loser. I've complained all my life, and for the good of it. :evil3: Do it.

... torrent? omfg my max download speed is 25Kbps... *sighs*

imma gonna try packet-shifting tho' , ill tell ye fools if it works for something.

oh, and i have port-forwarding and port-spoofing going around to try and goof onelink. Tho' i think those dudes have PacketTeer technology (they filter internet traffic by watching  aknowledgeable packet structures / encryptions / encapsulation bit sequences and associate them with a service, then block them ) How this works ? encapsulation on certain protocols / services look mostly the same (header, body, crc, footer) and hence then can block them awknowledge for instance as (p2p) or (torrent) or (jkja) or (ddos) or whatever. packet-sniffing hence the name. Imma gonna try packet spoofing in a bit, (working on the algorithm) if it works ill tell ya' fools, but it's really a no-shine territory. *Sighs*

lol dudes. gaming is not capped one bit. i can get a 50 ping on battlefield 2 servers almost every day (not during the night lol).

and battlefield 2 is a major bandwidth hog, beleive me. it's not capped. i spend almost 2GB throughput of bandwidth on saturdays only. lol. *btw if u don't know what throughput is heh*.

btw, complaining is really a tool. specially with DACO on my palm. SPECIALLY WITH A SMART AND CALM ATTITUDE AND INTELLIGENT APPROACH OF THE SITUATION.

If you think complaining properly is not a tool, you are just a lousy conformist / loser. I've complained all my life, and for the good of it. :evil3: Do it.

... torrent? omfg my max download speed is 25Kbps... *sighs*

imma gonna try packet-shifting tho' , ill tell ye fools if it works for something.

good call

lol dudes. gaming is not capped one bit. i can get a 50 ping on battlefield 2 servers almost every day (not during the night lol).

and battlefield 2 is a major bandwidth hog, beleive me. it's not capped. i spend almost 2GB throughput of bandwidth on saturdays only. lol. *btw if u don't know what throughput is  tsk tsk. heh*.

btw, complaining is really a tool. specially with DACO on my palm. SPECIALLY WITH A SMART AND CALM ATTITUDE AND INTELLIGENT APPROACH OF THE SITUATION.

If you think complaining properly is not a tool, you are just a lousy conformist / loser. I've complained all my life, and for the good of it. :evil3: Do it.

... torrent? omfg my max download speed is 25Kbps... *sighs*

imma gonna try packet-shifting tho' , ill tell ye fools if it works for something.

oh, and i have port-forwarding and port-spoofing going around to try and goof onelink. Tho' i think those dudes have PacketTeer technology (they filter internet traffic by watching  aknowledgeable packet structures / encryptions / encapsulation bit sequences and associate them with a service, then block them ) How this works ? encapsulation on certain protocols / services look mostly the same (header, body, crc, footer) and hence then can block them awknowledge for instance as (p2p) or (torrent) or (jkja) or (ddos) or whatever. packet-sniffing hence the name. Imma gonna try packet spoofing in a bit, (working on the algorithm) if it works ill tell ya' fools, but it's really a no-shine territory. *Sighs*

try encapsulating all data and then encrypting it that works.  Give the new azureues or the beta version of utorrent a spin they include it now built in.  However IF they cap you by amount of connections you will still get slower speeds. 

However I believe 100k under the current situation is an acceptable rate.

i'd say the one that relies on daco is the loser. what a joke those people are.

actually daco has helped a lot, they have pushed dmax a lot because of all the times that dmax said perfect for online gaming yet you have over 1500ms of latency.  In fact because of the daco/fcc/ftc complaints the dmax guys actually started giving out credits for the bad service.  However not all users were as lucky. 

ya. thanks for the insight. im trying something on that line. encapsulating the overall protocol into a new packet type. But yeah, if they are just limiting the connections it's pointless to do this anyways :P after all, i can't fool the RIP or IGRP on the routers :P . they will route or filter anything no matter what packet type is if they limit the connections to known torrent mainframes.

it's funny how i can get up to 100kB/s ***upload*** speeds on bitComet. lol. on azureus [latest release with dht and decentralized on] i get 0kB/s ***upload*** tho'. definitely port / packet / connection capping.


as for the DACO issue. just called the FCC and DACO, i opened two accounts under my sweet kiddy name. One for Centennial de Puerto Rico (with some phony bill charges & customer mistreat) and another temptative to OneLink ADvertising misdemeanors. FCC + DACO + a smart consumer doing the right steps, saying the right things = totally powerfull. These multi-national companies need to learn to respect us proletariate. And *this* is the most direct and appropiate manner.

as for resoajsjoaojobotnick's reply on complaining. about the Government. Well, what about the government? dude, if u can't complain cuz it won't do anything. Join the government, and make it improve yourself. To tell you a cute story. I study @ the university of rio piedras campus, la yupi. I'm a master networker and programmer. I have complained about the Rio Piedras methods of implementing services for the students and professorate for ages. You wanna know what i did? I graduated from Computer Sciences, made a proposal to the Department of Technologies. Now I am webmaster of the precinct, am working as assistant-networker and am working on the new upgrades on functionality to the system over-all. The moral of this story? I'm fixing that crap step by step, improving it along the way while i get some good money and i write this little piece on this forum. NOTHING is impossible, you just gotta hit the right spots at the correct time with the correct dispositions. BTW i'm only 19. yes. 19 years old. and this is not a joke. i'm not a joke. hehe.

antoni, 10-7 out.

ya. thanks for the insight. im trying something on that line. encapsulating the overall protocol into a new packet type. But yeah, if they are just limiting the connections it's pointless to do this anyways :P after all, i can't fool the RIP or IGRP on the routers :P . they will route or filter anything no matter what packet type is if they limit the connections to known torrent mainframes.

it's funny how i can get up to 100kB/s ***upload*** speeds on bitComet. lol. on azureus [latest release with dht and decentralized on] i get 0kB/s ***upload*** tho'. definitely port / packet / connection capping.


as for the DACO issue. just called the FCC and DACO, i opened two accounts under my sweet kiddy name. One for Centennial de Puerto Rico (with some phony bill charges & customer mistreat) and another temptative to OneLink ADvertising misdemeanors. FCC + DACO + a smart consumer doing the right steps, saying the right things = totally powerfull. These multi-national companies need to learn to respect us proletariate. And *this* is the most direct and appropiate manner.

as for resoajsjoaojobotnick's reply on complaining. about the Government. Well, what about the government? dude, if u can't complain cuz it won't do anything. Join the government, and make it improve yourself. To tell you a cute story. I study @ the university of rio piedras campus, la yupi. I'm a master networker and programmer. I have complained about the Rio Piedras methods of implementing services for the students and professorate for ages. You wanna know what i did? I graduated from Computer Sciences, made a proposal to the Department of Technologies. Now I am webmaster of the precinct, am working as assistant-networker and am working on the new upgrades on functionality to the system over-all. The moral of this story? I'm fixing that crap step by step, improving it along the way while i get some good money and i write this little piece on this forum. NOTHING is impossible, you just gotta hit the right spots at the correct time with the correct dispositions. BTW i'm only 19. yes. 19 years old. and this is not a joke. i'm not a joke. hehe.

antoni, 10-7 out.

man my point is that it has been posted here that by march 1rst it will be fixed, fine if you don't believe it however they have said it all along by march 1rst the transition from adelphia to onelink will be complete.

And you are in the same boat as me I am computer sciences grad, and actually if you complain to the FCC watch how fast the company calls you home asd asks whats going on it's actually funny. Complaining is ok, but c'mon you can't bitch bitch bitch by phone you don't get any place you take the fight elsewhere. 

And dollars to donuts they have packeteer inside their network someplace but the encpasulation should be getting around packeteer with 0 problems. So packeteer + limiting connections.

but c'mon you can't bitch bitch bitch by phone you don't get any place you take the fight elsewhere. 

exactly dude. you just don't bitch by phone (or in a forum that oneLink will ever know off. lol). you gotta take it further as drebel proposed. here's a thought:

you call with a coherent design on how and what you are going to say. afterwards you call DACO file in that you called. file in the name of who in customer support handed your call, make a file with all this. warranty, receipts, time of calls, who you talked to, what was talked. dudes. you do this very organized. then u send all this to daco and the fcc  = victory, cuz they see a good will from you, and a consistent positive & objective file leads to pwnage. there is no way oneLink can give you the shaft with this kind of diligency.

*Do it.*

oh. yeah. i'm gonna go and complain to daco too. i'm gonna complain to them that onelink is advertising up; to 4mb which i'm not getting. boohoo.

oh, wait. /up to/ 4 mb. seems there is no case there. as for the claimed capping of torrents, tell me how you want to explain to them that you are being treated badly because they don't let you steal copyrighted material as fast as you want to.

and /if/ daco does anything, big deal. the fines that daco can issue are so small that they get payed out of petty cash by anyone fined. it's cheaper for a company to get fined by daco than to actually make an effort to fix a problem.

oh. yeah. i'm gonna go and complain to daco too. i'm gonna complain to them that onelink is advertising up; to 4mb which i'm not getting. boohoo.

oh, wait. /up to/ 4 mb. seems there is no case there. as for the claimed capping of torrents, tell me how you want to explain to them that you are being treated badly because they don't let you steal copyrighted material as fast as you want to.

and /if/ daco does anything, big deal. the fines that daco can issue are so small that they get payed out of petty cash by anyone fined. it's cheaper for a company to get fined by daco than to actually make an effort to fix a problem.

You need to understand to respect other people opinions and decisions. If you don't know how to do a complaint, ask him. He can help you too.

And IS NOT HOW MUCH $ you can make with DACO ... is the company name and reputation in jeopardy. This file will NEVER erase on caplink history. Learn your rights. This will do worst to them than the $ you can/will get.

Cheers! I'm with him 100% and I will join you when I have time ... 1 week from today!!

actually YES check out the website for the "junta reglamentadora de telecomunicaciones" where there are various open incidents involving adelphia now onelink and notice how fast things got solved and if you see there are complaints there STILL on file they won't get erased, they changed from adelphia to onelink but all of adelphia's previous wrongdoings are on file and are now in onelink's history.

right. all there. proving what? that nothing happens? i filed a complaint with daco against daco for gross incompetence, same thing against the local government, prepa, asa. none of them showed up. and they were documented.

right. all there. proving what? that nothing happens? i filed a complaint with daco against daco for gross incompetence, same thing against the local government, prepa, asa. none of them showed up. and they were documented.

lol. dude. resalsjjaklsjabotnickwhatever. ur just a simple conformist. and that YOU don't know how to complain / proceed upon the matter is the real obstacle here, not DACO , nor onelink. lol. ill be on the look for some smart reply on your behalf on this matter.

BTW. today @ noon i called in OneLink Customer Support and spent almost 1 hour chatting with an employee, very calm guy, we even exchanged x-fire gaming information. Just so you see, he explained me a lot on the inner workings on oneLink and lots of the WHYes? and HOWs? of the company. Nobody gave me no friggen royal shaft. He even apologized for the inconvenience and told me that there are being stuff worked on , DNS servers, DHCP servers, GATEWAYS, Layer-1 Routers (for those who know what is layer1) among other things.

and /if/ daco does anything, big deal. the fines that daco can issue are so small that they get payed out of petty cash by anyone fined. it's cheaper for a company to get fined by daco than to actually make an effort to fix a problem.

10k is substantially a big amount of money. heh. 10k is the base fee upon violations for multi-national companies.

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